Sunday, 27 October 2013

Day 264, disregard of others in the little things.

At work today i have noticed something very small that i did, and even though i saw it late after i took some breaths and paid attention to my breathing, but when i saw it in that moment i started to investigate the point within me to see how many times i have done this before without even noticing, that even within such small things still there are moments of total disregard of another as myself.


Now what happened was; at work before we work on some machine we have to put our names on the list in case something goes wrong, it can be easily assess who did what and on what time and date. Now the collegue of mine asked me to write our names down, but when he was asking me this i was already busy putting my name on the list, and he saw me doing that and he said; 'yeah, just put our names there,' in a way as if it is not really important, and then comes the point. In that moment i saw that i wrote my name very nice down, but when i wrote his name i wrote it fast and not looking nice at all, as if i reacted to what he said and unconsciously immediately in that moment express it in a consequence. Just because he mentioned to me that i should write our names but it is something of no importance, i then responded with writing HIS name down as if it is of no importance and just wrote it very fast and not looking nice at all as the way/manner i wrote my name.

So when i caught myself in breath and i saw this point, i said: What The Fuck.!!

And i started questioning myself, and i asked myself:

***  Why did i write his name down as if his name is of no importance, just because he said to put our names on the paper but in a way as if it is not important to do that and by not writing his name beautifully am i taking revenge in a sense on him because he sees our name writings as NOT important?

***  Why do i have to write mine nice and his ugly?

***  Why do i immerse into these opinions?

*** How come my body reacted like that and wrote his name so ugly?

*** Is this a point of inferiority/superiority?

Self-Forgiveness Statements:

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to react physically in a way as in writing the name of my collegue not beautifully as i wrote mine, just because in that slight moment i had a judgement about what he said and how he said it and did not agree with him, thus in my mind he needs to be revenged for what he said and thus my revenge was to write his name down NOT nice at all and also as if his name is of no importance compare to mine.

I forgive myself that i haven't accepted and allowed myself to see/realize/understand that by juding others i am judging myself and it creates a physical consequence in the physical reality, where the judgement i have within and as myself becomes in the physical a consequence that is equal as the energy that the judgement had within and as me, and in this case the judgement was a ''negative judgement,'' and thus a negative outcome has taken place immediately in the form of writing a name down in a ugly way.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to link unimportance to revenge, and thus something or someone that resembles or act in a form of unimportance, i immediately respond physically with a revenge as in this; someone or something having to PAY for what they have said or done.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to write my name beautifully and his ugly signifying my judgement in what he said as being unimportant according to my mind interpretation.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to follow my mind interpretation instead of being HERE and staying HERE within and as myself within and as my breath and above this give into the trust of my interpretation instead of taking the time and write both our names as i am suppose to write them down beautifully as is my real handwriting.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to let my hands be guided and influenced by my interpretation and thus in the physical reality manifested a physical consequence that is NOT what is BEST for all.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to be immersed within and as an opinion of what is important and what not, and by this physically manifested an outcome that match the opinion i have had within and as my mind, which in this case what i have found to be unimportant and none deserving.

I forgive myself that i haven't accepted and allowed myself to see/realize/understand HOW far i have made my body addicted to these energies within and as myself where the body just go into compliance without any hesitation according to my mind interpretation.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to react in a way as taking revenge on him, just because i can see within me that i think/belief that this guy is always trying to compete with me and because i don't like it i am trying to revenge him in some way or another.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to interpret that he might be in competition with me, when all of the interpretation can be wrong, and even if i was right, i will still be nowhere, because it will not be based on a mutual understanding based in common sense but on a self-interest judgement based on feeling superior to/towards another as myself.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to in the moment i was writing his name down, not beautifully as mine, i didn't pay attention that i was physically in that moment also feeling physically uncomfortable as the pen in between my fingers was not feeling comfortable and feeling physically that the point/tip of the pen is not writing smoothly, but yet i kept on forcing myself to write his name NOT beautifully as i did mine.

I forgive myself that i haven't accepted and allowed myself to see/realize/understand the hints my hand was giving me when i was forcing myself in a moment without even noticing it to write his name down not beautifully as i wrote mine.

I forgive myself that i haven't accepted and allowed myself to to slow myself down in that slightest moment where i did have the awareness that i was doing something that was NOT what is BEST for all and that my body was even giving me hint, that i am not doing something that is BEST for all, but yet i did not breathe in that moment to slow myself down and be HERE to see/realize/understand what the moment i was in, what kind of opportunity it gave me to realize a point within and as myself, but yet did NOT took that opportunity in that moment.

Self-Commitment Statements:

When and as i see myself going into or i am about to go into judging others and it refelcts in HOW i write names down, I STOP----------- take a deep breath and bring myself back HERE, focusing on my breathing till i am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy.

I realize that by having a judgement about others in a moment makes me have an physical outcome/consequence that is equal to the judgement itself within me as me as the mind as energy.

Therefore, i commit myself to make sure i stay within my breath and focus on my breathing and being HERE within and as my human physical body, always alert in every moment so i do not move into judgement and also make sure that i am clear within myself, that there are no burdens within me as thoughts of judgements, and if they do arrive within me, to immediately to investigate them through my writing of Self-Forgiveness and my commitments to LIFE, to see what it is i am busy suppressing that will become later on somewhere in my daily living a judgement of others, that in reality is the judgement of my SELF.

When and as i see myself going into or i am about to go into linking unimportance to revenge within and as myself, I STOP------------ take a deep breath and bring myself back HERE, till i am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy.

I realize that i am linking unimportance to revenge, because i see within myself as my mind consciousness system that that which is unimportant must be something that needs to be revenged, which is a form of punishment.

Within this, I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to interpret within and as myself as my mind consciousness system that, that which i see through and as my mind consciousness system as something that is of ''unimportance,'' must be revenged and thus meaning, must be punished. And within this punishement i see/realize/understand that i am doing this because of NOT caring, so by not caring, thus literally NOT living CARE, all becomes not important and because of this i have accepted and allowed myself to punish or belief that that which is unimportant, thus that which i do NOT care for must be punished.

Therefore, i forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to think/belief through my mind consciousness system that, that which is NOT within and as my care, must be something that is unimportant and thus deserves to be punished, because punishment is then seen as equal to/as the unimportance, having no value.

Within this, I commit myself to investigate through my writing of Self-forgiveness and my commitment to LIFE to see within myself in order to understand ME, as to why it is i belief that unimportance have to be punished.

When and as i see myself going into or i am about to go into interpreting or judging something as being beautiful or not, to Immediately STOP--------------- take a deep breath and bring myself back HERE, till i am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy.

I realize that my interpretation of what beautiful is or not is linked with how i will treat or act in relation to that which i have interpret within myself to/towards the thing or a person and according to the charge i give the interpretation being ''positive or negative'' will be acted out in the real world in alignment with the energetic charge as an act or treatment that in the physical have intentions of harm or actually really harms.

So, therefore, i commit myself to make sure i stick within and as my breathing the only place where i can be one and equal with and as without having to be in judgement and yet still be HERE doing what is necessary to be done within that moment of breathing being HERE as to what is BEST for all.

When and as i see myself going into or i am about to go into not taking my time to write names down all the same and let myself be influenced by my opinions, i immediately STOP--------take a deep breath and bring myself back HERE, till i am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy.

I realize that by not being HERE in breath one and equal within and as my body, i am busy letting myself be influenced by my judgement that are all Self-judgement.

Therefore, i commit myself to through my writing of Self-forgiveness to investigate within me if such point comes up again till it does not come up anymore because i have outrooted it, through the writing of Self-forgiveness and my commitment to LIFE as in not participating within it when it comes up, and this is only possible if i am aware of every moment of everything that happens within me as me as the mind as energy and also what happens in the without, as the world outside.

When and as i see myself going into or i am about to go into, through my judgements as opinions that influence my hands or whatever part of my body, I STOP--------------- take a deep breath and bring myself back HERE, till i am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy.

I realize that i am through opinions as judgements i influence by body to perform or do certain/specific tasks that do NOT have an outcome that is BEST for all.

Therefore i commit myself to make sure i am physically busy and aware of that which i am physically busy with, one and equal within and as my breath, to make sure i do not participate into thoughts as opinions as judgements and if anything should come to immediately or in moments when i am all by myself alone, to take it on in writing myself to freedom using Self-forgiveness and my commitment to LIFE to see the point that opened up, to see what it is conncted to within and as me.

When and as i see myself going into or i am about to go into body movements that i am not aware of me moving me, I STOP----------take a deep breath and bring myself back HERE, and keep on focusing on my breathing till i am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy.

I realize that the moments when i am not within and as my breath and with/as my human physical body equal and one, i am in my mind influencing my body movement to go the way the mind as me wants to go without my directiveness.

Therefore, i commit myself to make sure that i am doing something that is physically HERE and within that application also to make sure that i continue breathing and focusing on it in order to not participate in moments of mind interpretation and thoughts, and if this is to happen anyway, to make a note and when i am alone by myself to have a look at it and investigate within myself through my writing of Self-forgiveness and my commitment to LIFE.

When and as i see myself going into or i am about to go into interpreting others as being in competition with me as what i think and belief, or perceive, I STOP--------------- take a deep breath and bring myself back HERE, till i am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy.

I realize that when i interpret others as being in competition with me, i get some friction/conflict within me that results in the outside world also in a form of friction/conflict with myself in relation to the others as myself or that i react physically in a form that resembles a punishement or a revenge.

Therefore, i commit myself to be very attentive in what i am doing physically to not distract myself from being HERE, within and as my breath and to get lost in my mind, so i can stay out of friction/conflict in relation to others as myself.

When and as i see myself going into or i am about to go into feelings of superiority within and as myself, I STOP---------take a deep breath and bring myself back HERE, till i am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy.

I realize that letting myself be taken into the feeling of superiority within myself reflects in the outside as seeing the other as inferior to me, which is the opposite of what i am busy feeling within myself as being superior to another, thus in reality i am reacted as feeling superior because i see myself as inferior to/towards the other.

thus within this, I commit myself to investigate through my writing of Self-forgiveness and my commitment to LIFE the moments that will visit me again where i will fall in the superiority/inferiority judgement of myself as oppose to another as myself and to in this way dig deeper to find out what is behind it all, within and as myself as the mind consciousness system.

When and as i see myself going into or i am about to go into not feeling physically comfortable, i immediately STOP------------take a deep breath and bring myself back HERE, till i am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy.

I realize that i am when i am physically comfortable it is because i am somewhere else in my mind and NOT HERE, in breath and within and as my body equal and one.

I commit myself to pay attention to my physical body and to follow my physical body when it is indicating to me in the form of feeling physically uncomfortable to stop whatever i am doing and catch some breath to slow myself down in order to see what i am busy participating in, in my mind that is giving my body an expression of uncomfortability. And if i cannot find it within that moment, i will take a note and when i am at home and being quiet by myself i investigate through Self-forgiveness what it is i have missed within that moment that made my body react in uncomfortability.


Within this writing in regard to this specific point, i have seen/realized/understood that even in little moments or exactly in little moments that the opportunities exist for me to realize myself in a moment to what i am accepting and allowing and what i am NOT accepting and allowing, i let myself get lost within my mind consciousness system, and how it is that my body even gives me hints, but yet because i am not in breath one and equal and within and as my body one and equal, i then create outcomes for myself and others as myself that are not what is BEST for all.


Larry Manuela

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Saturday, 19 October 2013

Day 263, The tree of LIFE and the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil.

Now, a few weeks ago, as i was explaining to someone that happened to be a believer in the bible, that most people that read this book, most of the times, if it's not ALL of the times- seem to brush everything aside that they know they cannot explain with the book itself and also know when what is written doesn't make any sense. And the parts that DO make sense and that is; IF they were to be applied practically in our living together, things might have been different from the perspective of one following ones religion.


 I am NOT going to write what i'm about to write for purposes of critisizing. I am writing this to just put out there another way of seeing within that which was written, even when i myself do NOT have believes, that within that book or any book one can still apply Common Sense and use what is written or what is HERE to bring about that which is BEST for all in a practical/factual/physical manner/way to have an outcome that will be BEST for all practically.

For this i am going to use of the King James Bible version to illustrate even within a story that i myself see as a more rhetorical allegory and NOT as a piece of written material that can be taken literally.

Let me start with Genesis Chapter 2 verse 9, which is as follows, and i want you the reader to pay attention to the words that i will underline, because i will give my perspective on them.

9 And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.


Now, as one can see i have underlined the words: '' the tree of life'' and '' the tree of knowledge of good and evil.''

What i noticed within these sequence of words is the following: the word ''knowledge'' is NOT in the sequence of the words '' the tree of life.''
This is very important to understand. It is implying within these simple words that LIFE stands on itself, it gives to itself, it is not dependent on Knowledge as is the second sequence of words as in: '' the tree of Knowledge of good and evil.''
''Good and Evil,'' is dependent on the Knowledge thereof. In other words, to make it much more easy; ''Good and Evil,'' needs to be Known in order for them to exist, the knowledge of them must be first. You have to KNOW ''good and evil'' before you can apply them. And where is Knowledge coming from...??  Is it not the mind..??

So lets move futher with the looking at this point of; '' the tree of life'' and ''the tree of good and evil.''

 I move to the next verses in the same
chapter that are related to this point, and they are the following:

17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.


These two verses are also very important to look at within common sense, because God is Commanding the Man to NOT eat of the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and that IF they should do that, they will surely die.

For God himself to place that tree in that garden he himself must be full of '' the knowledge of Good and Evil.''  Keep this in mind, because it will be discused further.

Now i am going to move to the next chapter, which will be chapter 3 with the following verses:

22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:

Within these 3 verses something very fascinating has happened. Now that the Man has eaten of the tree that they were Commanded to NOT to eat of and Become Like God; Knowing ''good and evil,'' as God himself is saying here in verse 22, talking to someone else, as in the word: ''US.''

So now God Knows that ''Good and Evil,'' must be a terrible thing, God immediately sent the Man forth from the garden, because God is now even afraid that the Man might eat of the tree of LIFE and then live FOREVER. God Did NOT forgive them, Did NOT teach them forgiveness either......None of these things did this benevolent being as God do. He just did what he could do BEST, which is to Punish those whom does NOT live by its Commands.

For most heavy duty Christians, this is a ''good'' thing that God did, to sent them out of the garden, before they ate of the tree of LIFE, and also because most Christians belief that they needed to OBEY God's command, which was to NOT eat of: ''the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.'' So they deserve to be punished..........interesting.

And in these 3 verses one can see that the Man did NOT ever ate of the tree of LIFE, and the story does not mention how it come they did not eat of it, if it was NOT commanded by God to NOT to do so..??

So now up to where i wanted to get to, and that is to see that within this story, that IF one is a serious Christian, one will notice, IF one pay attention, that " Good and Evil,'' is NOT something that God wanted Man to have or to express themselves as.

What do we still see today in this world? Do we NOT see that we are still doing the same thing God did NOT want us to do, which is ''Good and Evil.''  Let me repeat that for you the reader, IF you are a believer in this story; '' GOOD & EVIL.''  Thus both of them!!!!!

But yet what are we trying to do in this world everyday? We are always trying to do some ''good'' and avoid as much as possible the ''evil'' isn't it so? Or we are trying to Punish those that do evil according to us. And those that are evil are doing their best to abuse those that are good, and so the whole cycle continues.

God was very clear by the very fact according to this story, that he even went as far as to remove Man from the garden, because they have eaten from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

Remember what God said in verse 17, that if one eats of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, one shall surely DIE. Now this is a fascinating statement made by God, because understand God himself is the one full of the knowledge of good and evil, so full that he had to made a tree that bear fruits that IF eaten thereof, one will possess this knowledge of good and evil and thus then surely DIE. So God is then stating that he also is going to DIE, because he himself is saying that about eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thus possessing this knowledge will lead to DEATH.

Here is the other fascinating thing within this whole point, that God himself must have eaten from the tree of LIFE in order to understand that a forever LIFE is possible if one eats of it, and now does NOT want theMan that he created in his image and likeness to be just like him; FOREVER with the knowledge of good and evil, that leads to death eventually some time in the future, and thus removed/banned the Man out of the garden, and put guards to guard this tree of LIFE. Does this make any sense to you the reader?

Another fascinating point is also in this whole story, that God is incapable of uncreating what he creates and for example; cannot Remove the tree of LIFE out of the garden, but had to improvise and punish the Man instead, and on top of all the disaster sent him away too and to mulitply and become more people that will live this ''good and evil'' that he did NOT want in the world. So God made things even worse instead of taking responsibility for his own creation and to correct that which was done.

So IF you the reader are a Christian, consider this very deeply, that by doing ''GOOD or EVIL,'' is NOT what God wanted from you. So if one is believing that by doing ''good'' in this world as oppose to evil, and due to this one is going to go to some heaven of some sorts when one dies, rethink that Again, because the story is already very clear that God did NOT want you to be ''GOOD nor EVIL.''

So now we have a dilemna, because what are we suppose to do now? Because as one can see ''good and evil'' is all what everyone KNOWS and is also what every parent is keeping on teaching their children to continue with the same thing over and over and over.................................................

Thus this whole story is telling us, that ''good and evil'' are polarities/opposites and are thus NOT what LIFE IS!!!!!  Our answer lies in LIFE, the tree of LIFE!!!

We need to do LIFE and NOT do ''good and evil'' for they are NOT LIFE!!!

So if one is actively as a Christian trying as much as possible to do good in the world, remember that you are Still doing that which was commanded by God of you NOT to do...!!!!

It will be impossible for anyone who does ''GOOD'' to enter heaven, because ''GOOD'' was a part that belonged to another part which is ''EVIL'' that were the two opposite polarities from each other, the one supporting the other.

I am placing the possibility to enter a heaven of some sorts purely for those whom might have this belief that when they die, they are going to this place IF they were '' GOOD,'' as this is a belief that many if not all Christians have, all the 2.8 billion of them. And it is not reserve to Christians alone, many other belief systems have this belief too.

So to do ''good'' is the same as to do ''evil'' and vice versa!!!!

Make sure that you do it was written something we yet do NOT understand and never lived as one as equal as YET.


Larry Manuela

Here is the link of the king james bible online:

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Thursday, 10 October 2013

Day 262, The '' THEY and THEM '' vs the '' ME and WE/US '' Part- 7

Now proceeding to the next and last dimension in regards to this particular point, which will be the Consequence-Dimension.


*** By judging them and they, i create unnecessary tension and reactions within me.

*** It keeps me within my mind busy with staying within judgement and blame instead of being HERE in breath, when i am judging and blaming they/them within myself.

*** I waste my time backchatting about they/them instead of spending my time in doing something for LIFE.

Self-forgiveness statements:

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to judge them and they and create unnecessary tension and reactions within me as me as the mind as energy.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to think/belief that tentions and reactions as energy within me as me as the mind as energy are necessary in order for me to be HERE as an actual physical being on a physical planet.

I forgive myself that i haven't accepted and allowed myself to see/realize/understand that by engaging fully in these energetic tensions and reactions i am in actuality harming my human physical body by constantly making it produce energy and also making my body addictive to these energies to such and extent that i belief that i am only these energies and forgot completely that these energies cannot exist without my body, for me to keep on existing as a mind consciousness system within and as this world.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to keep myself within judgement and blame by juding and blaming they/them within and as myself, as my mind consciousness system.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to NOT see/realize/understand that i am perpetuating judgement and blame within and as me and within and as the world at large by continuing accepting and allowing myself to participate within and as them, within and as my own mind consciousness system.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to let perpetuation of judgement and blame to exist within me as me as the mind consciousness system because it gives me the apparent belief within and as myself that somehow i am better than they/them if i judge and/or blame they/them, bringing forth the point within me of superiority. And superiority cannot exist without its dear companion as its opposite/polarity which is inferiority, which is the actual point of me wanting and desiring to be superior to another as myself.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to spent my time backchatting about they/them, instead of spending it doing something for LIFE, that is BEST for all of LIFE within this physical reality, this physical world based on the physical conditions that are HERE as how everything functions within and as it.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to give myself permission to participate within and as backchat to  abdicate my responsibility to that which is BEST for all of LIFE.

I forgive myself that i haven't accepted and allowed myself to see/realize/understand that my responsibility is only valid when i give it to LIFE, all of LIFE, because when i give it to LIFE i am living responsibility as me as LIFE in LIFE, bringing forth responsibility to LIFE in myself and in the world at large.

Self-Commitment Statements:

When and as i see myself going into or i am about to go into judging and blaming they/them, I STOP--------- take a deep breath and bring myself back HERE, till i am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy.

I realize that judging and blaming they/them brings unnecessary tension and reactions within and as my mind consciousness system and also on my human physical body.

So therefore, I commit myself to write myself out in the form of Self-forgiveness and Self-corrections to stop first and then eventually to delete this whole construct that i have accepted and allowed myself to be/become within and as this world.

When and as i see myself going into or i am about to go into believing tension and reactions on a energetic level is necessary for me to exist and be on this planet, I STOP---------- take a deep breath and continue breathing till i am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy.

I realize that i am holding on to this belief of the experiences of energies in the form of tensions and reactions within me, because i think/belief that they are ME, so much so, that i do NOT consider at all my human physical body itself as the WHOM i really am in this world, in this reality.

Therefore, i commit myself to have a look at all experiences of energy as tensions and reactions within and as me as my mind consciousness system, through my writing of Self-forgiveness and Self-correction to find out how i created myself to be/become like this and also to see and come to understand me as what i have become in order to stop me and delete this me that i think/belief i am within and as this mind consciousness system within and as my human physical body.

When and as i see myself going into or i am about to go into fully engaging into these tensions and reactions within and as myself, I STOP-------------- take a deep breath and continue with the focus on my breathing till i am clear and  stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy.

I realize that that by enaging fully within these tensions and reactions i am actually harming my body by making it produce energy that will only be syphone into and as the systems within and as my mind as my mind consciousness system.

Therefore i commit myself to litlte by little through my writing of Self-forgiveness and my Self-corrections to no more make my body produce energy to give to energy and not back to the energy producer itself, which is the body, and to find out within and as myself how to transform these tensions and reactions and make them physical, thus that they can be applicable physically/practically/factually within and as this world to support that which is BEST for all of LIFE.

When and as i see myself going into or i am about to go into perpetuation of judgement and blame, I STOP-------------- take a deep breath and bring myself back HERE till i am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy.

I realize that perpetuating judgement and blame within and as me is perpetuating judgement and blame also within and as the world at large, so judgement and blame can continue being part of my reality as experience within myself and also within and as the experience of others within and as this world. So by stopping participation in judgement and blame i am contributing to the deletion of judgement and blame first within and as myself and then by living this as myself i am also contributing to the deletion of judgement and blame in the world at large as i then LIVE as the example within and as myself, within and as this world.

When and as i see myself going into or i am about to go into experiences of superiority, I STOP----------- take a deep breath and bring myself back HERE, till i am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy.

I realize that i use the point of superiority against they/them, because within myself i see and accept and allow myself to feel inferior to they/them, thus giving this whole polarity/opposite structure a place within and as myself to exist within and as myself and thus also within and as this world through/by others as myself as mind consciousness systems.

Therefore, i commit myself to investigate through my writing of Self-forgiveness and my Self-corrections/commitments to find out within the depths of myself this point of superiority and inferiority as structures as opposites and polarity that exists within and as me and therefore as i live it as me, it then exists within  and as this world through me as i live it, to bring this whole structure as me to a STOP and then when i understand myself completely within and as this whole structure to delete it from within and as me, and then live that which is BEST for all of LIFE, without opposites and polarities directing me and all my decisions.

When and as i see myself going into or i am about to go into backchatting about they/them, I STOP----------take a deep breath and ground myself HERE, within and as my breath and within and as my human physical body one and equal till i am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy.

I realize that the backchatting i am having about they/them, is to abdicate my Self-responsibility to NOT engage myself into what really matters within and as LIFE itself, to assist and support LIFE itself as myself and all of what LIFE is as itself, to that which is BEST for all of LIFE.

Therefore i commit myself to investigate and have some deep introspection within and as myself, through my writing of Self-forgiveness and my Self-corrections/commitments to LIFE to see what is the FEAR behind this engagement into backchatting about they/them that correlates into irresponsible living in this physical reality that is NOT what is BEST for all of LIFE.


Now within this point and dimension i have seen/realized/understood that there are some consequences to be faced within and as myself when i am participating into energies within and as myself and NOT being HERE as myself within and as my breath and my human physical body, one and equal. So the reward i am giving to myself through this writing HERE, is the understanding of myself within and as these consequences that will enable me to stop participation within them, before they come up, and little by little delete all of them within and as me.


Larry Manuela

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