Day 44, Schooling.
What is it about schooling that we see as important or let me put it like this; ' who told you, and why do you belief it, that in order for you to function as a human physical body, you need schooling..??'
What is it that you are being taught in schools and universities that have contributed in to the growth and expansion and truly learning of humanity..??
Have a look at the outcome of what has been produced by the past generations of humans, and ask yourself if this is a growth, an expansion, or a learning...???
Did we evolve as is being accepted in most societies in this world, and what are the criteria for growth and expansion and learning/gaining understanding..??
If i see that for example in war, there is only destruction of life, and if i learn,and i mean really really learn from it, will i repeat it...?? Did i grow from the first experience of war, one of the methods used to/for the destruction of life, and out of that growing am i now expanding into a living society that is not in war anymore, but are at peace and is really living: ''loving thy neighbor as thyself..??''
Well we all know that this is not so, we are brutally killing each other and lots and lots of other lifeforms, destroying our very home that gifted us the opportunity to thrive here and get to experience life as physicality. But do we care about our home, do we even see it as our home and respect it as such, or we just say these lovely sayings just to say something nice...??? Why are we not being responsible beings, let me rephrase that: '' why are we not being responsible persons.??'' Because ''beings'' we are not yet, we use this word for our convenience but it is not a word that we live, as with just one example as WAR, on this alone one can already see how many BEINGS are being killed, so if we were understanding and really knowing our beingness, we as one of the forms of beings, will not be destroying other beings, because we will understand that all forms of beings are all forms of beingness, beingness in forms.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to be brainwashed under another name as in ''Schooling'' and/or ''education.''
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to belief that only through knowledge and information based on observations through my mind will i be able to understand me and my reality that i find myself in, when in this i can see that i still with all the knowledge and information available don't know how/why/who/where/what i am, and within this clearly expose to myself that knowledge and information will not make me truly understand the who i am, because the who i am, has to be understood in common sense and in self-honesty. So within this i forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to belief that gaining more knowledge and information will make me understand the who i am, when in reality the more i participate in it, the more apart/separate of the understanding of the who i am i get, and the more self-dishonest i become.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to belief/think that schooling as in education truly meant something in life, but instead only mean something to rape life off with, something to be used to manipulate life with as it exists in this world.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to not see/realize/understand how in my participation in the education system of this world, i am accepting and allowing all that is abusive to exist within this world, because my education as i accept it to be, has not been giving me sufficient practical common sense usage to see when i am not supporting life, but is abusing it and even using the very education to do so, and in this STOP and correct myself in my participation in the destruction of life and live to support life as myself as all as one as equal.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to not see/realize/understand that it is not so much the education that is a failure, but me myself within it as it, because without my support and participation within it as it exist it will not exist as it exist, so the education is part of the who i accept and allow myself to be/become.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to rely on knowledge and information and not on my life and my human physical body and the countless other physical bodies for me to truly learn, expand and grow as a living being on this planet in oneness and equality, always doing what is best for all LIFE.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to never question what it is i was busy learning or being educated in, and just accept it as if those who are teaching me know exactly what they are teaching, when the reality is that they are not teaching out of practical living, but out of theoretical living/mental living. The way we live with each other practically in this world is proof enough that education have failed to teach to be practical.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to never see/realize/understand how education was/is never about the real practical living, and what is best for all life practically. Within this i forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to to utilize education in some areas of practicality that only serves the best interest of myself and the system of greed and control that is in place.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to deceive myself into knowledge and information without practical application to be as very valuable when the world is the proof that it is NOT, because it is unable to value life as the ONLY REAL value that exists.
I commit myself to show through writing, self-forgiveness and my commitments that education as it exist, is not something to be trusted because it is not giving the honor and value to LIFE, but to a system, and not just any system but a system of DEBT, HARM, ABUSE,MANIPULATION,DECEIT,CONTROL,GREED.
I commit myself to walk as an example in exposing the education that is supporting the system as it exist now, till all can see/realize/understand for themselves that the education indeed does not support LIFE..!!
I commit myself to make a stand within this system that i have accepted and allowed to be here and change myself within it as myself and in so doing together with others change the whole system as a whole as us.
Larry Manuela
Here is our world solution, go and have a look and vote on the goals propose for practical living: EQUALMONEY
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