Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Day 204, Water Distribution In EqualMoneyCapitalism.

Now we are going to have a look at something that i really like, that one day in the future i will be dealing with. Since i was a little boy, water always fascinated me in some way or another, either it being the ocean, the rivers, the clouds, the rain. I just like all the wonderful transformation that the water takes as transforming into different forms and shapes. So i will give a short information here about the problems we have with water in  this world and what we can do and what will be the benefits of solving the problem for real, so we can then start with living and practising the prevention methods, so problems will NEVER arise in the future.

Just have a look at this wonderful depiction of the watercycle/the hydrologic.

So how are we going to solve the water problematic in this world within an EqualMoney Capitalism..??

Lets have a look. We have our:

*** Surface Water. ( water on the earth's surface; rivers,streams,lakes,reservoirs and oceans.)
*** Groundwater. ( water beneath earth's surface; wells, natural water seepage to the surface,springs, groundwater in spaces between alluvial materials( clay,gravel,sand,silt) in aquifers.)



The water that is mostly being used is the Groundwater. And this groundwater in most of the countries of the world is being supplied through pipes to the homes. Now understand that this is NOT the case in many countries. There are countries in this world that are literally running out of water and some even have no water at all. This is happening in the Pacific.  Countries like: Tokelau and Tuvala have NO water, thus NO fresh water at all, and parts of Samoa are running out of fresh water.

Many third world countries are using an unimproved drinking water source as WHO( World Health Organisation) calls it, we are talking in total about 884 Million people.

As is mentioned in the WHO report, water supply can be broken down in three categories:

***   unimproved drinking water sources.
***   improved drinking water sources other than drinking water.
***   water piped into a dwelling,plot or yard.

My focus here is on the problem which is the '' unimproved drinking water sources.''  With this they mean; ' unprotected dug well, unprotected spring, cart with small tank/drum, tanker truck, surface water, bottled water.'

Due to sea level rise, some of the groundwater is being contaminated in some countries and we have also chemicals that are being poored slowly but surely, fertilizers,septic tanks, industrial chemicals such as  arsenic and chromium, and we also have to deal with rivers and streams that sometimes carry harmful microorganisms from animals and humans, storm drains can carry polutted runoff from cities into rivers and streams.

Now all i have mentioned here about this problem is due to the current monetary system, that is a system based purely on making profit alone, thus LIFE itself is NOT important and of value at all.


What we can do is make sure we come together and we just STOP the current system and make new rules about how we live with each other and everything else. For this we start with the EqualMoney Capitalism, which is a transition-point to the EqualMoneySystem itself.

All the available solutions we already have in this world as in supplying clean and safe water for everyone and everything, but money is the problem. Something is being done only when it can be used to make profit. We can use what is called in this current system: '' too expensive technology'' to supply water to everyone and everything in an EqualMoneyCapitalism system, because in this system LIFE will be of value and NOT profit. And when LIFE is the value we work on real improvement and can come up with  the BEST ideas and then investigate them very well to make sure all is the BEST and then implement it, so we will have a very clean and perfect water supply to all the earth creatures.


The reward will be that if we take care of our water on this earth, we automatically take care of our lives and lives of others, because water is in everything, is part of everything, it is also not called for nothing: ''The Universal Solvent.''

By making our waters clean and supply it to those whom are in need the LIFE expectancy will go up for humans/animals and plants alike, and not to mention all the little microorganisms that are living in the waters. Due to the problem that is existent in this world in regards to water shortage and contamination of water, we will have lots of work to do for many years before all is working at its optimum to supply water not only for the humans but also for the animals and plants that are in areas where there are water shortages, we can improve their lives by adding water to their environment. Thus by participating in this great task ahead one will be sure to have a job to support oneself and ones contribution will be much appreciated, because not only is one doing it for others but also at the same time for oneself to. Thus in an EqualMoneyCapitalism system, the problem of water we have now will surely be solved and then prevented in the BEST way so it will never rise again.

Sources of information:


Larry Manuela

Join us at:

Have a look at THE solution to ALL the problems we are causing in this world in the form of:

Do the course of a lifetime and change yourself in order to change the world:DIP     If not able to afford this one, here is a free version to get you started in becoming a REAL caring human being:

And for better understanding of the living words, visit our destonian Wiki website:



Monday, 28 January 2013

Day 203, Why Lies..?? Part 2

Now within this blog i am going to do self-forgiveness and self-commitment statements in regards to the blog from the day 201.

Here is the link: day 201



I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to LIE, because of the fear of facing what i have accepted and allowed to be HERE in this world as the reality as it exist within this world, that is in reality a reality that is existent and being fueled by myself as the ''ME'', as the whom i am in this world in relation to whom each one is in separation from me as their own ''i am.''

I forgive myself that i haven't accepted and allowed myself to see/realize/understand that by lying about whatever in this world to protect my self-interest, is in fact fearing myself as LIFE, as how i'm NOT expressing myself as the body that i am right HERE, as the real being of earth and the manifested form as/of substance as LIFE.

I forgive myself that i haven't accepted and allowed myself to see/realize/understand that when i do not say anything, because of a question that might have been asked to me, that is a question related to my own truth and i am aware that if i am to say my truth it will lead to consequences that i do not want to go through i remain silence, and within this not seeing/realizing/understanding that i am also lying, because i am in my mind trying to coward away from my consequence that is in that particular moment being shown to me and wherein i choose to be quiet because of fear of not going through the consequence.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to feel uncomfortableness when i am confronted with my own truth and that by weighing it carefully to avoid an outcome that will manifest in some form of loss, and if i see this, i remain silent. Thus within this i see/realize/understand that this remaining silent is to protect my own self-interest and NOT a remaining silence because that would be what is BEST for all.  Thus i forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to remain silent to protect my own self-interest as in avoiding to go through the fear of loss.

I forgive myself that i haven't accepted and allowed myself to see/realize/understand that by lying i am in fact giving LIE as the whom i am power over myself and also giving it as within humanity more power to reign, making sure that how i participate within this world is a LIE and all of humanity through my participation continue fueling this existence with the LIE that i have become together with the rest of humanity equal and one.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to let a world exist where LIES has become the whom we are and how we live with each other.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to hide my own truth with a LIE.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to every time i saw people lying without saying anything about it, i was in fact supporting it, thus within myself supporting myself also as a LIE.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to lie about my age, just to get into the disco.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to LIE to women in the past, just to make sure i could maybe/possibly make them fall for me after they have heard my LIE.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to LIE many times in my life in order to manipulate someone else to do my bidding.

I forgive  myself that i have accepted and allowed myself deliberately tell half the truth just because i know within myself that by telling half the truth the other half that is the LIE will be strenghten even more, because of the whole world revering LIES and supporting LIES.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to let a world exist wherein in order to get a job sometimes it is required to LIE about oneself, because apperently the truth of whom one is in that particular moment will not be of any value in a world of LIES.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to LIE many times in my life, just for the purpose of being nice to people. Within this i see/realize/understand that ''being nice'' itself is a LIE, because i am in that moment NOT nice and thus have to pretend that i am. Thus i forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to pretend to be nice to avoid the consequence of people saying or finding out about  me NOT being someone that might NOT be nice.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to LIE to people about how they look pure for the purpose to NOT hurt their feelings, but within this not seeing/realizing/understanding that i am in FACT supporting a LIE based on preferences that are all rooted and based in self-interest. Thus within this if i am asked by someone how they look, instead of lying i can just say: '' i am sorry but what i might find beautiful or not may not be the same for you, thus i will not give you an answer because my answer will also be tainted by what i have defined as what looking beautiful is or not.'' 


I commit myself to make sure that every time i am about to LIE or i find myself Lying to immediately just STOP, take a deep breath and make sure i continue breathing and focusing on my breathing till i am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy.

I commit myself to make sure that i am always within/as my human physical body breathing, one and equal so that i am than always self-honest and thus when i am self-honest i know that my words and deeds will always be what is BEST for all, and thus i will know when exactly to say something or choose to be quiet.

I commit myself to little by little to debunk all the lies that we as humanity have become in this world so we may stop ourselves and creating ourselves as such over and over.

I commit myself to make sure that whenever i see myself going into or about to go into lying to protect my self-interest to just STOP, take a deep breath till i am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy.

I commit myself to make sure i am aware of myself when i am going to engage into or i am engaging into selling half truths so the LIE part will be the one that triumph.

I commit myself to make sure to NOT lie to people just because i want to be nice, and just express me within/as breath one and equal with/as my body, so my expression as me as one as equal as my body and as my breath is always REAL, constantly and consistently.

I commit myself to make sure that whenever i see myself going into or about to go into lying because of any fear that will come up within me, i just imeediately STOP, take a deep breath till i am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy.


Larry Manuela

Join us at:

Have a look at THE solution to ALL the problems we are causing in this world in the form of:

Do the course of a lifetime and change yourself in order to change the world:DIP     If not able to afford this one, here is a free version to get you started in becoming a REAL caring human being:

And for better understanding of the living words, visit our destonian Wiki website:

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Day 202. LandOwnership in a Equalmoney Capitalism.

I am going to write about this problem we have in this world with this whole ownership of land.



Those whom saw the opportunity to abuse others and take control over others-( the ones with lots of money already of course), saw that by planting an idea within the minds of the individuals and make them  belief that they can be owners of a piece of land will be perfect to take control and abuse them, because at the end of the day, the ones with more money will be able to buy all the land with all the resources that are on the land or beneath the soil of the land, and by doing this they have control over the lives of the others, because they can after this make them PAY for what the earth provides, thus making everyone else whom does NOT have access to the land and to what the land provides for support to LIFE, slaves to them. Thus a silent way of stealing. After doing this, they also assured to place laws/rules/regulations into being, that will ensure to keep it that way, so no-one can reclaim the lands back. Because there is this notion that everyone can ''buy'' a piece of land and be owners of it, while in reality not everyone have money to do so, and they also sell everyone the idea that they to can own land by using the greed they saw in each human just like them, no-one is looking at the problem, that they are allowing others to enslave them through NOT allowing access to the land by other people to use to surive.


Let me give an example. In the country where i come from, which is an island, they are right now having problems with this whole thing. The government want to tax everyone whom own a piece of land, because in the past the government did not tax them, or taxed the people too little and now they want to get that tax money fast back and the tax is higher, and because the people don't have that money now they are reacting in fear, that comes out as anger to/towards the government. And within this there are much more problems in regards to this whole landownership problematic. Now understand, i am not in favour of the government here, i am just addressing the problem of owning land. All that these people want, is to hold on to their lands they own, for ''the raining days,''  thus when things get difficult they can ''SELL'' the land they own. This is the main purpose/reason for wanting to hold on to the land, because the majority is not doing anything with the land at all, it just sits there. Now this is exactly the problem. Because as the financial crisis keep on getting worse and worse, and more people without access to money, there will come a time that they will have to sell the land, and when they sell the land, it will NOT be to someone that is born there, it will be to a foreigner, which by the way, is already happening. Lots of foreign people are coming in, to buy big piece of lands, because it is cheap, much cheaper than in their own countries, to built houses and you name it on the land, because they have the money to do so. So the danger within all this is that sooner or later, all the people from the island itself will be cast out from their own lands in their own country, and their children will work on the land that the foreigners whom now own the land that once were theirs, as slaves doing whatever the foreigner constructed or will be planting or whatever in order  to make profit. This is what they do NOT want to see, because it is happening, but their dependence on MONEY as it exists now have more power over their decisions. Thus they will sell their lands with these foreigners, get the money, spend it or share it with their siblings and then when the money is spended, they will still have to live there on the island where nothing changed, and where everything is a hardship and poverty will reign. And it will be in this moment that the reality will dawn upon them, what the value of a land really is. That the value of the land does NOT exists in the profit one can get out of it, but in the support the land gives to LIFE, as the human life, as the animal life, as the whole eco-system. 

The solution:

To solve this problem we have to REMOVE these laws/rules/regulations that give people the power to OWN piece of land. Everybody will have a piece of land appointed to them to use and work it and take good care of it as if it was theirs, but in reality it is from no-one, no-one owns the land. So the land will be worked on and taken care of to produce and support the life of the people and the animals there. Certain areas that are suited for people to live and built houses and stuff will be given to people to built houses on it, but we will not be building houses all over the place without taking into consideration the animals and fauna habitat. And the government will also be supporting with the maintainance of the whole land where the people are appointed to live and use the land. Thus the ownership of the land one have now will be for purposes of''usage/cared for'' only. In the sense of how big the family is and if one can take care of it properly. Thus the property will have no value as in a monetary value, but a value as support to LIFE. So one will not be able to sell the land one is using or taking care of. One will be able though to exchange homes, thus exchanging from country to country going to another country to live in another home and treat that home and the property as if one use it as one uses the one that one was using before in ones own country one came from. Thus the point here is self-responsibility. We will start to little by little learn to live as self-responsible human beings,that are highly sensible to sustainability, and that care for all LIFE no-matter where one finds oneself.



What is the reward of all this? Well it is simple. We will have everywhere a community where everyone live in full understanding of the land that provides for them to support themselves and everything else. And what will be produced on the land, being whatever they might be, will be used to support oneself and the whole community at large in the BEST possible way, where one will derive great satisfaction/pleasure in giving to others as one would like others be giving to oneself, because one is aware that ones contribution to the land is not only for oneself but for all others including to the land itself to, so there will be no lack of any kind. One can in a natural way plant all kinds of fruits/vegetables/flowers/trees/herbs/weeds to enhance the balance of the land, to perfect the nutritients within the soil, and with what the land provides one can make money within the Equal Money Capitalism  to support not only oneself but also the community at large. All the knowledge one have about ones particular type of soil and whatever that is planted on the land can be shared with others so others to can have an optimum usage of the land to and how to take care of it in the BEST possible way, so we always work on all levels to perfect not only ourselves as we thrive HERE on this planet but also everything we touch and interact with. Our foods will always be healthy natural grown food produce.


Larry Manuela

Join us at:

Have a look at THE solution to ALL the problems we are causing in this world in the form of:   and

Do the course of a lifetime and change yourself in order to change the world:DIP     If not able to afford this one, here is a free version to get you started in becoming a REAL caring human being:

And for better understanding of the living words, visit our destonian Wiki website:

Monday, 21 January 2013

Day 201, Why Lies..??

Now within this blog i am going to look at lies. At how we lie, and why most of us lie. 


The thing about lying is, that everyone knows why they are lying, but yet no-one is daring to face the CAUSE of what they themselves have managed to manifest outside themselves as the current system we live in, which is in fact a projection of what is happening inside,thus what we have accepted and allowed ourselves to be/become as the whom we are and the whom we must be of each ONE individually and of all collectively, where sometimes to survive we are going to lie, because we fear the consquences. We are aware of the consequences that will manifest if we were to really say it as it is. One can loose friends,family,job, all material possessions, one can be rediculed, bullied, killed, treated as not existing, been sent into jail, etc etc..........Thus all the things we have come to value can come to an End if we were to tell the truth of ourselves, without seeing/realizing/understanding that it is the Reality of ourselves as LIES, that will come to an END. Thus what do we value..??  We are right now valuing ourselves as LIES...!!!  All our wordly systems we built and construct and invent is to support ourselves within our living participation as LIES..!!

Thus in order for NOT wanting to go through all these consequences if one would tell it as it is, one would rather LIE, and keep on creating the reality as it exist NOW where to LIE is accepted by many if not all as ''normal human behaviour.''  And on top of all this, we created a justice system that punish one that tell the truth, it doesn't prevent lying in the first place, its sole purpose is to punish those whom so-called: ''lied.'' But in reality, in order to find out that one has lied, one needs to find out the truth of what truly happened, and when this truth is spoken out, then one will be punished as being a liar, thus one is in fact being punished for telling it as it is/the truth. What a conundrum isn't it...?? Thus telling the truth has become a fearful thing instead of finding out ways to make sure we don't repeat our mistakes again, thus to prevent ourselves in creating ourselves as such over and over and over.......... ~into infinitum. Our system that supports punishment and reward, is in FACT supporting LIES and not Truth. Thus LIFE, that which is actually HERE as what is happening in fact right HERE as to how everything and everyone functions for real, as what is actually in fact going on right HERE is being punished and NOT prevented to become an outcome/affect/consequence that is NOT BEST for ALL. Thus to make it clear; 'we do NOT prevent ourselves in creating a reality for ourselves and everything else where we do NOT have/need/require to LIE.' Thus LYING in its turn flourished by the reward provided to the punishment of the truth as how we live HERE with each other and everything else in FACT.!!

Lying has become part of our living together and some have even managed to lie so much so, that they will lie about anything, to make themselves appear in the eyes of another as if they are someone that is of  great stature, when all of it behind the scenes is just LIES, deliberatly orchastrated lies, to manifest an outcome that will benefit self-interest. We have also managed to justify lying by saying that sometimes we need to or we have to lie in order to protect ourselves from apparent danger to ourselves or to our loved ones or to protect our survival as we are now surviving based on fear in this current system.

Why is it so difficult to NOT just see what is HERE, with this i mean; 'to see that our society at large and the systems we created are all our own projections as the whom we are within, and that they are not supporting us at all so that LIFE as ourselves, as the human physical form manifest and as other life-forms can have a pleasant living expressive application of themselves, that is dignified here without harm/abuse/suffering done to themselves or others as themselves..??'

Instead of us stopping the cause as where it orginated from, which is within ourselves, we want to tackle the outcomes/affects/consequences. Desperately trying to fix the outcomes/affects/consequences. When in reality, what we really have to do is to STOP ourselves in creating ourselves as such, as to what we are NOW within and then correct ourselves through forgiving ourselves self-honestly and hence live as the correction within and without one and equal, which then leads to a physical living expression of each participant that will lead to a world that is BEST for all. Exactly what we are doing NOW and have been doing for eons of time, but then in reverse this time we live as what is BEST for LIFE, which is BEST for ALL and NOT what is best for self-interest, which is Against LIFE..!!

Thus the solution to this living as a LIE because of the fear of the consequences we are aware of, is to make sure we do NOT create a reality wherein we have to LIE, wherein we are the very pawns of the LIE, wherein we have to built systems which are in fact continuation/extention of our own existence as LIES.

I will be doing self-forgiveness statements and self-corrective statements in the next blog.


Larry Manuela

Join us at:

Have a look at THE solution to ALL the problems we are causing in this world in the form of:

Do the course of a lifetime and change yourself in order to change the world:DIP     If not able to afford this one, here is a free version to get you started in becoming a REAL caring human being:

And for better understanding of the living words, visit our destonian Wiki website:

Friday, 18 January 2013

Day 200, Wishing is NOT Physically Moving. Part 2

Now within this blog i am going to write self-forgiveness and self-commitments to what i wrote on day 199.

Here is the link:


As i was in a conversation with Ingrid 2 days ago, she suggested to me to bring all of this to Self, which is cool of course so the readers as you can grasp what we are doing at desteni, and how we are walking our processes of birthing ourselves into/as the physical as LIFE.

Self-forgiveness statements:

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to wish many times lots of things that are not real, just because wish is something i believed was a way of us humans being human, and even though what i wish may not ever manifest still it is a great feeling to wish, especially wishing things that are pleasant and good as being positive energized in nature of the mind.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to wish to leave this earth many times because deep within me there is this fear of existing here in this physical world, that is hard and dangerous from a survival perspective, especially dealing with humans as myself.

I forgive myself that i haven't accepted and allowed myself to see/realize/understand that to wish is in actuality to deny myself as LIFE, as i exist as the manifested form as the human body as the substance of LIFE.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to wish many times, because of cowarding and wanting to escape this brutal existence, without seeing/realizing/understanding that i am the one together with the rest of humanity creating the very experiences i am trying to escape from through wishing and imaginations.

I forgive myself that i haven't accepted and allowed myself to see/realize/understand that me wishing or imagining anything always is me choosing to defend and support my own self-interest above that of everyone and everything else. I realize that in my wishful thinking and my imagination I am the one that is the star always, the one that wins, or the one that comes out as the hero, saving the day.

I forgive myself that i haven't accepted and allowed myself to see/realize/understand that by wishing, i was in fact not moving at all in the physical, as my human physical body in the moment i am busy wishing or imagining stuff that i would like to do, or would like to be happening to me, or where i would like to be.

I forgive myself that i haven't accepted and allowed myself to see/realize/understand that wishing depending on the severity of the experience one is busy going through either it being positive or negative will determine what kind of wishes one will have, thus in my case my wishes were almost all the times wishes that were positive in nature, because i wanted to escape the reality that is here that is negative according to me at the time.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to let myself go through the experience of wishing myself away in my mind trying to escape this reality in a alternate reality, that looks beautiful and nice and is totally save, no problems of any kind exists, and no suffering.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to many times wish that humanity will just end so peace can for real have its place on earth.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to wish that my father and my mother could live much more longer so i can enjoy them being here, without seeing/realizing/understanding that all this is self-interest, because ME wanting/desiring them staying here as long as possible is good for me, but obviously not good for them as the older one gets the harder it is to thrive in this world, and that harder the system we created will be against us, because we are then like used batteries, that need to be thrown away.

I forgive myself that i haven't accepted and allowed myself to see/realize/understand that by wishing and imagining i was in fact NOT here as my human physical body and was giving my mind more permission to rule over me, with thoughts that are NOT according to this reality but are part of a reality i create myself in my mind using my past memories of what i have stored within myself through either television, or by stories or by books with pictures or by whatever was already within me as memory through DNA transfer from my parents.

I forgive myself that i haven't accepted and allowed myself to move as the physical body that i truly am and therefore use energetic movement as movement within my mind, that are not in reality in sequence with the reality my body is in, and is consisting of and as.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to through wishing and imagination to disregard my body completely and regard the whatever personality that will suit the moment of wishful-thinking and imagination to have much more value then my human physical body itself that is HERE and REAL.

I forgive myself that i haven't accepted and allowed myself to see/realize/understand that by WISHING, i am in fact saying: ''NO'' to LIFE, and ''YES'' to my mind, i am in fact abusing LIFE, i am in fact trying to devaluing LIFE, i am in fact trying to control LIFE, i am in fact making sure that LIFE continues to suffer through its forms and manifestations, i am in fact saying that i will NOT take my self-responsibility to what is HERE, and make sure LIFE is honoured and revered and is always protected above everything else that i value.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to wish many times that i could some day win a lottery and become rich so i can live a comfortable life, without seeing/realizing/understanding that in the moment something like that will happen and i choose to NOT give the money i will win to LIFE, meaning giving the energy as money to LIFE by supporting LIFE with it, i am than being not only greedy, but i am in fact making sure that all the atrocities and hardships stemming from survival continues and is than totally engulfed into self-interest as to my own well being and comfortable living.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to wish many times that all wars could END and peace will rein, without seeing/realizing/understanding that for wars to END the craving to hate, the craving to control, the craving to be greedy, the craving to have power over others MUST seize to exist, and lastly the fear of each other must STOP, before WAR can END.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself many times in the past to wish i could be in a relationship with someone that truly would understand me and i understanding her completely so we can live peacefully together till our last days, without seeing/realizing/understanding that these wishes are the exact reason why i will never find someone like this if i would continue having these wishes, for they are not real, because for any relationship or agreement to take place, physical interaction must take place, a physical living as one as equals must be at the vanguard in every breath in order for the relationship/agreement to work and the two can assist and support each other in the BEST possible way to express themselves individually and together as perfection as the human physical body, and in this grow and expand together in expressing as LIFE, beings of earth as the human physical form that we truly are.

Self-commitment statements:

I commit myself to whenever i see myself going into or about to go into wishing myself away in my mind to just STOP, take a deep breath and bring myself back HERE, till i am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me, as the mind as energy, and from this being HERE, i can then move for real as the words i will express and/or as the movement of my body as me as the work i will be doing.

I commit myself to make sure i stop myself in breath everytime i am about to go into or i am into wishful thinking and imagination, so i don't get distracted and make sure i continue being here as my breath and my human physical body through their assistance and support of just being here, so i as the beingness can with each passing day become more and more one and equal with and as them, where separation will be NO more.

I commit myself to make sure i pay attention to the physical world and the physical reality i am in as myself as the human physical body that is HERE and all others BODIES that are here and not loose myself into wishful thinking and imagination that are not assisting and supporting LIFE as what is BEST for all HERE.

I commit myself to remind myself that to wish is to NOT LIVE, and by reminding myself i can be more attentive and ready whenever there is a thought coming up or feeling or emotion that will ignite the wishful thinking or imagination to kick in and take control, and within this also investigate my wishes and imaginations to see in the moment what triggered me to have them, so i can resolve whatever the issue that is at hand is that made me make the decision to go into wishful thinking and imaginings.


Larry Manuela

Join us at:

Have a look at THE solution to ALL the problems we are causing in this world in the form of:

Do the course of a lifetime and change yourself in order to change the world:DIP     If not able to afford this one, here is a free version to get you started in becoming a REAL caring human being:

And for better understanding of the living words, visit our destonian Wiki website:

Monday, 14 January 2013

Day 199, Wishing is NOT Physically Moving.

I write here about wishing, because this word with its meaning have devestated a lot of humans, and through the humans all other LIFE-form. It keeps you in a state of NO action, in a state of NOT being practical.


We notice that we wish always in some way to escape that which is negative or to protect ourselves from that which is negative and desire the positive, the little carrot put on a line in front of us...loll........... We never look at what we can do phyiscally right here in order to NOT have to try and escape like a coward. The funny thing about all this is the following.

We are always bragging about us evolving, right...??

Have a look at this, in the past everything that is HERE as the system and everything else was created in the past, thus IF we were evolving as many belief, and we are becoming much smarter, how come we cannot just STOP the bullshit we created in the past and create something totally NEW, something that will benefit ALL life on earth Equally..??

Wishing is avoiding movement, it is sabotaging oneself, it is NOT wanting to face oneself, it is a never ending trial of trying to escape through the mind for what oneself accept and allow to be HERE as part of the reality one find oneself in, that oneself contributed for it to be what it is today, at the moment. All the ''good person'' you believe you are, and all the ''bad persons'' you blamed for what is here, IS contributing to what we have in this world, so that the world can be in the state that it is right now, right HERE. Everything is pointing to self-change, if we want to change the world for real, all of us that are participants HERE, MUST change..!!!!   But most of us want someone else to change first and even when that someone else changes, we will attack them instead of applying what they did to change ourselves, we become jealous of them and start to attack them with our nastiness. We all know deep down that we live in a physical/practical world, where practicality is what counts, there is nothing moving in this world that is practical by just wishful thinking. So as you can see, changing and becoming a ''good person'' is NOT going to do it, because it is already here and as you can see throughout the whole world it does NOT bring about that which is BEST for all LIFE...!!  So don't even think that by just being a ''good personality'' is going to bring about a world that is BEST for all, because a ''good personality'' is JUST a personality, it is NOT LIFE...!!!  Personalities are mind entities, they are NOT real, hence you can see in common sense for yourself that what is NOT real is never going to support the real, because it only sees what is NOT real, that which it is. It only gives value to what itself is equal to, hence we live in the world and treating ourselves and everything else as what we have accepted and allowed ourselves to be/become.

You want to walk, you HAVE to do it physically, whatever you want to do in this world, physical movement is involved, we can call it work, physical work. It doesn't move by itself. So is LIFE to in this world, you want to LIVE/EXPRESS as LIFE in this world you HAVE to physically LIVE as the life-form you are, which is your human physical body, the real being we are right HERE, the being that was formed from the substance of this earth. Can you grasp this...??  Can you see your importance in this..?? The earth, and i mean to really have a  look at how you are just a spack, but yet a part of this whole earth, this whole organism, that is alive...?? At the moment you only ''know'' you are alive, it is NOT you being life-AWARE, which is a very very BIG difference. Common sense tells one already in the words: LIFE-AWARE, that one is AWARE of oneself as LIFE and ALL the rest that is LIFE, you are aware of the totality of what LIFE is as yourself and as all that there is as LIFE right HERE one and equal. Thus not LIFE-Aware, is what we are living now, which is a living in the mind, separated from our own awareness of ourselves as LIFE and thus ALL of LIFE.


Thus this whishful thinking and wishful living MUST come to an END..!! It doesn't serve our physical existence at all to what IS BEST for all. It is a form of trying to escape the reality that is HERE, which in its turn keeps on creating through neglect the same consequences of Inequality all the time.

Understand, that you can sit and wish all you want/like, but your physical body is NOT going to move because you are wishing things in your mind.  And understand that to EXPRESS yourself as LIFE, HERE in this world is to LIVE as one as equal as your human physical body and also as one and equal with all the other BODIES that are here in Zillions of forms/types/shapes.

Thus just STOP yourself in breath every time you see yourself going into wishful thinking or imagination and forgive yourself self-honestly, because it will lead you nowhere. It is designed to keep you stuck, NOT moving and accept and allow the atrocities that are HERE without doing absolutely nothing to STOP it and then to change it. That is why religions and spirituality exist for you to rot away in wishful thinking and imagination. From these all you will ever be/become is another personality, in this case a ''religious personality'' and a '' spiritual personality.'' And ALL personalities ARE NOT real. Can you NOT see how it is impossible for you to change and become another body..??  Because the body is REAL.


Larry Manuela

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