Thursday 26 November 2015

Day 365, Do You think You Are Gonna Make It? Part 2

Now continuing with the second phase of forgiveness statements.

What I wrote previously is to be found HERE

Self-forgiveness statements continuation:

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to constantly wanting/desiring/wishing to get rid of my mind consciousness system, even tho I am aware that I cannot do that in the moment, because it is what I have accepted and allowed myself to be and become as whom I am in this world.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to see my mind consciousness system as that which I have accepted and allowed myself to be and become as my enemy, as that something that I have to defeat, that something that I have to be against it, that something that I have not try and follow what it tells me to follow.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to constantly be fighting within myself against my own mind, forgetting that within this fighting I am actually keeping the mind at bay.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think and believe that I can win from my mind, when I am aware that within this process there is no such thing as winning or losing, only just standing as myself within and as life here equal and one, and that within this point it is not a point of winning from the mind, however it is a point of me being aware of who and what I am as life here.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to many times wanting to give up on myself, seeing no way out but to just give up and give in, ignoring that part within me that still no matter what wants to keep on standing/going/not giving up.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not give value and importance within this point of myself where I am aware that I am standing even tho I am also aware that I am like in some points doing less and less, and by focusing on these less and less of my doings, I am in actuality really doing less and judging myself about or feeling bad about within and as myself, because of myself being aware of what I am accepting and allowing within and as myself, and especially being aware too as to what to do to stop me in participating in doing less and less.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to sometimes see like there is nothing changing within me as me as the mind as energy and that I would rather just give up and leave it to what ever happens, happens.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be so angry at myself and also at other people in my environment, because of us not really really standing and taking a real stance and say, till here and no further, enough is enough, and thus wishing/wanting/desiring for a big shit to hit the fan for everyone so we can all see together in that there is no other way out but to be one and equals.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to many times wish/desire/want the system of money to just collapse, not today or tomorrow, but yesterday, so we can all go through what many people and other life forms are going through in this world now and for many generations, so everyone can understand in one go, that we need to stop what we are, how we are creating and create only that which will be best for all life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see/realize and understand that within my suffering wishes for everyone I am having, that I am actually being self-centered and also not having trust within myself that I can do something about it without having to have so much suffering.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to too much thinking/believing that in order for me and humanity as a whole to really stop and take a stand and stance, would be to first go through major catastrophes of all kinds, all happening together at the same time so no one is left out as a special one without experiencing some suffering/hardship/difficulty in their lives, so that we can all have a real chance of changing the course and the way we are living with one another and everything else.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to secretly wish/desire everyday for things to get really really difficult for everyone including myself, all our buttons being pushed together at the same time so we can all see/realize and understand where and why we need to be responsible for all of life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to use this wanting, this wish, this desire so much that I use it as an excuse within my mind in order for me not to move, not to do something, not to really do all I can do within my power to bring about that which is best for all life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to accept anger to exist within me and wherein my focus and attention is on the anger and on the reason I believe I am angry about someone or something and wherein I loose myself being against it within my mind and actually not moving myself to change myself to be/become a beacon in this world and truly do what is within my power to change those things that I am angry about in the world.

To be continued................


Larry Manuela

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