Wednesday 24 June 2015

356, A dream with the word: "Incentive" as a password part 2

Now continuing with the second part of this dream, which will be the part where I am going to make commitments to myself in regard to what I have found within myself within the dream I have had.

For insight into what I wrote about the dream click HERE


Self-commitment statements:

When and as I see myself going into or I am about to go into seeing myself getting lost within my mind, I stop take a deep breath and bring myself back here till I am clear and grounded and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy.

I realize that I am using this perception of my mind as to tell myself that it is possible to get lost when being here having a living in life, and this actually divert me from seeing here, being here.

Therefore, I commit myself to make sure that I breathe in the moments of thinking and believing that I might get lost being here and instead focus on being here within and as my breath and making sure that I stay here as one as equal with the breath and my human physical body, becoming aware of me being here as here is where life always is and I here expressing as life can never ever be lost.

When and as I see myself camouflashing in my mind my perspective on being poor or being in a poor neighbourhood, I atop take a deep breath and bring myself back here till I am clear and stalbe and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy.

I realize I am camouflashing being poor or being in a poor neighbourhood, because I fear being in a situation of poverty.

Thus, within this I commit myself to make sure to do whatever it is necessary within my ability and  to release and let go of the fear of being poor or being in a poor neighbourhood, because I am aware that I do not need fear fearing being poor nor being in a poor neighbourhood, because the fear of them if I would be in them is not going to change the reality of me being in them if it is to happen.

When and as I see myself going into or I am about to go into fearing my own unclearness, I stop---------- take a deep breath and bring myself here, ground myself, till I am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy.

I realize that I am fearing being unclear because of the embarrassement I believe I can go through about being unclear

Thus within this I make sure to work this point out and just remain here focus when the moment arrives and I am in a situation  in a moment of being unclear and breathe, and focus on my breathing making sure I stay here look at how I am busy inside of myself and just stopping myself and not let myself get caught up within all of this energy.

When and as I see myself going into or I am about to go into fearing someone else knowing my personal password, I stop-------take a deep breath and bring myself back here till I am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy.

I realize that I am fearing that someone else would know my personal password, because of what they might get me into, having lots of trouble within the system where I am compromised.

Thus, within this I commit myself to change my perspective on my thoughts and believes about my password being known by someone, and if there appears any fear within me in relation to this to remind myself in that moment to just breathe and than look for something practical to do, as long as my hands are touching something physical here, to remind me that I am here within this physical world, this physical reality, keep the focus on physically being here.

When and as I see myself going into or I am about to go into making an issue about passwords, because I see that passwords in this world at the moment are to protect secrets from one another, and to support self-interest, I stop take a deep breath and bring myself back here, till I am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy.

I realize that I am having an issue with passwords because I am aware within myself that I use passwords to keep my self- interest intact and to have certain specific secrets being hidden from others, by protecting whatever it is I see need protection from others, making me live, expressing untrust within and as myself thus giving to the world that which is untrust through me as I live this, adding to the untrust that exists within and as humanity as a whole.

Thus within this, I commit myself to workout my self-untrust, put it on paper to see what I am busy doing to myself and thus unto others as myself, and to remind myself that it takes time to workout this point because I have made myself/create myself to be like this throughout my life, thus it will not be something to just delete like in seconds and that't it. I must have patients with myself.

When and as I see myself going into or I am about to go into my mind and judge sex as something dirty, I stop----- take a deep breath and bring myself back here till I am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy.

I realize I am judging sex as dirty, because of me cheating within and as myself doing things within and as sex that I should not be doing to myself or others as myself.

Thus within this, I commit myself to make sure I stay focus with what the physical sex itself not only means to me, but engulfing myself into really doing my utmost to understand it on a physical level and ground myself more and more within and as my body as a whole whenever I engage into the act of sex.

When and as I see myself going into or I am about to go into manipulation tactics to lure women into hacving sex with me, I stop------ take a deep breath and bring myself back here till I am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy.

I realize that I am going into manipulation tactics to lure women into having sex with me, because it suits my self-interest which is the experience of orgasm.

Therefore I commit myself to work on my standing within and as sex with women and to set my priorities straight in order to become more phyiscally grounded within and as phyiscal sex, instead of mind-sex using the body for its goal.

When and as I see myself going into or I am about to go into treating money as if it means nothing, I stop------ take a deep breath aand bring myself back here till I am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy.

I realize that I am treating money as if it is nothing because I have created within myself an issue about money itself within myself, because I do not agree with how the money in the world is being used, as it does not support life in the best possible way for all living beings on earth.

Therefore I commit myself to live to look for solutions and ways to implement the solutions to our money problem so that money is a real practical support for life on earth through how the human spents it.

When and as I see myself going into or I am about to react on money and do something with it that implies; 'doing sonething good' with my money, because of feeling sorry for others that are in worse financial situation than I am, I stop-------- take a deep breath and bring myself back here, till I am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy.

I realize that I react on people with money problems as myself, that are in a worse situation than myself and thus, this makes me want to help them and within this I most of the times ignore my own situation.

Thus, within this I commit myself to have a real self-honest assesment of my finances and only if I am out of trouble myself I can help another, otherwise I compromise myself and my money problems will never end.

When and as I see myself going into or I am about to go into blaming myself and the whole human race, that we are too late and that no-one wants to really hear about equality let alone live it, I stop--------- take a deep breath and ground myself here, till I am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy.

I realize that I judge that no-one else is actually really ready to hear about equality, and let alone live it, because of what I perceive on the web and in my personal life that only a few people talk about it and do something for it to come about, however the majority that is also needed for it to be a real force on earth looks like they're not interested in this at all.

Thus, within this I commit myself to give myself and others as myself the chance to realize more of what is really here as the physical reality on earth, and the only way this can be realized is to continue spreading the word, spreading common sense till all see equally what is actually here and then we can walk really together, supporting one another as one changing everything that is here, that does not in anyways whatsoever support life in the best way possibe and make it so, that it becomes what is best for all LIFE on earth.

When and as I see myself going into or I am about to go into a belief system of "everything is lost" within myself, I stop------- take a deep breath and bring myself back here till I am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy.

I realize that this belief-system is a construct within me that I use against myself in order to make myself not move or do something that is a solution to what will be best for all life.

Thus within this I commit myself to through writing make sure to workout this belief system using self-forgiveness to release myself from such construct within myself and also to remind myself that this working out of myself through writing and applying self-forgiveness takes time, because it is a construct I have created throughout my life.

When and as I see myself going into or I am about to go into giving up on myself, I stop-------- take a deep breath and bring myself back here, grounding myself till I am clear within and as myself.

I realize that the thought of giving up on myself, gives me the neglect to not move myself and change myself practically as I really want to, and thus compromise myself in order to stay stagnant.

Thus within this I commit myself to work and more and put much much more attention to what I am allowing within me to direct me, instead of me directing me, and make sure I release myself throughn writing of self-forgiveness and applying my commitments to slowly but surely change myself into a human being that really cares about life and that lives to bring about that which is best for all life.


Larry Manuela

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