Sunday 29 September 2013

Day 261, The '' THEY and THEM '' vs the '' ME and WE/US '' Part- 6

now moving to the next dimension which will be the Physical/Behavioural-Dimension.


***   feel like this physical tension in my chest area when having a look at what ''they'' are doing or not doing within and as this world.

***  I have to continously scratch my head on one specific spot, which is on top of my head in the middle, it starts to ich when i am having a look at the ''they'' as in what they are doing or not doing

***  My body being uncomfortable, not able to get into a position to sit still and stable and comfortable, always trying to find a cozy way of sitting.

Self-Forgiveness Statements:

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to go through physical tension in my chest area when i am having a look at what ''they'' are doing or not doing within and as this world.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to NOT see/realize/understand that the judgements and blames i have about ''they/them'' is affecting my physical body to go into tension within my chest area.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to NOT see/realize/understand that the tension i was experiencing in my chest area is my body giving me a sign for this specific judgement or blame.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to NOT see/realize/understand that judgement and/or blame are NOT real, and that i only BELIEF them to be real, because i am the one creating the judgement and the blame within and as me and experience them as ME, and thus based on the experience of them in/as ME, i think/belief that they must be real, forgetting completely that an experience is NOT what LIFE is, because LIFE is a FACT, it is right HERE always, doesn't have to be waited on to be experienced, it IS HERE regardless of an experience.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to have my head itch enormously on the top in the middle because of having thoughts about what ''they'' are doing or NOT doing.

I forgive myself that i haven't accepted and allowed myself to pay attention to my head itching as in trying to make me aware that i am heavily in thoughts again about what ''they'' are doing or not doing.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to instead of seeing the itching, and stop and look at what i am doing as in participating in my mind, i continue scratching on the area where it itches with the thoughts in my mind coming up still.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to NOT see/realize/understand that my body always goes into an immediate reaction as in this case itching of specific spot on my head, indicating that i am participating in thoughts, but yet due to me being heabily involved/participating in the thought(s) i don't notice the warning my body is giving me through the itching of me scalp on that specific area/spot.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to NOT sit quiet and stable, because inside of me i am experiencing some uncomfortability and instead of investigating/doing some introspection as in WHAT it is making me inside of myself having these experiences of uncomfortability, i choose to find way to sit comfortable and cozy but NOT deal with the problem of the experience inside.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to ignore my experiences inside of me and try to brush it off by trying to look for a comfortable way of sitting, without seeing/realizing/understanding that the uncomfortability of the body is the indication that i am going through some uncomforable energetic experiences inside of myself which makes the obdy react as it reacts as in; NOT being able to find a comfortable/cozy/stable position to sit.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to make my body to feel physically uncomfortable by participating in uncomfortable energetic experiences inside myself.

Self-Commitment statements:

When and as i see myself going into or i am about to go into allowing myself to go into physical tension that will result within and as my chest area, I STOP-------------- take a deep breath and bring myself back HERE till i am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy.

I realize i am experiencing physical tension in my chest area, because of my participation in thoughts about what ''they'' are doing or not doing within and as this world.

For this i commit myself to make sure that i do NOT participate into these thoughts and make sure that i am busy with some physical task/chores in order to keep myself HERE within and as the physical touch as the breath and within and as the task/chores that i am doing, either it be doing the dishes or vacuming the living room, or washing the clothes or just writing and being here on whatever point.

When and as i see myself going into or i am about to go into judgements and blame, to immediately take a stand within and as myself and Say: STOP!!  ------------- take deep breaths till i am completely stable and HERE and nothing moves within and as me as the mind as energy.

I realize that by participating in judgement and blame, results into my chest area having some physical tension.

Therefore, i commit myself to make sure that to pay attention to when i am in a moment feeling some tension to immediately stop myself in that moment in breath and investigate what i participated in, in a moment that made me have a chest tension, because i have seen now that it is based on some judgement and/or blame.

When and as i see myself going into or i am about to go into loosing myself into energetic experiences, I STOP-------------- take a deep breath and bring myself back HERE, till i am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy.

I realize that i loose myself into energetic experiences in my mind and in this; makes my body have a physical reaction as in my chest area.

Therefore, I commit myself to make sure i am constantly focus on my breath so i don't loose myself within energetic experiences in my mind and if i am to loose myself to immediately catch myself back and bring myself back HERE in breath so i can see slow myself down and look within me to see what exactly made me go into ''loosing it'' in a moment in energetic offshoots. And when these are seen even not clear to take notes in oder to direct myself in them through my writing of Self-Forgiveness and my commitments to LIFE.

When and as i see myself going into or i am about to go into scratching my head that is itching, I immediately, STOP------- take a deep breath and bring myself back HERE till i am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy.

I realize that most of the times when i am scratching my head exactly in the middle on top, is because i am in some sort of thought participation that invloves judgment of myself or another as myself.

Therefore, I commit myself to pay very close attention to when my scalp itch in the middle to then have a look within myself if i am really participating in some judgements in my head and to then immediately take notes of the specific judgement either from myself or others as myself and later if i am in a place that i cannot write them out immediately to then when i am at home to investigate what the specific judgements were about and why i had them, in oder to come to a solution for myself that will little by little remove all judgements.

When and as i see myself going into or i am about to go into energetic experiences within me, I immediately STOP,------------ take a deep breath and bring myself back HERE till i am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy.

I realize that when i experiencing some uncomfortable energetic experiences within myself, my body reacts in uncomfortability as in; not finding a way to sit comfortable and/or stable or cozy.

Therefore, I commit myself to the moment i see that i am busy not finding a way to sit comfortable, to immediately have a look within myself to see what uncomfortable energetic experiences i am busy participating in, in my mind, and to take notes of these and to write them out in the form of Self-forgiveness and Self-commitment.


Within this writing i have seen/realized/understood that there are some physical reactions of my body that are clearly indicating or giving me some hints when i am lost in my mind participation regarding certain/specific judgements and blames either of myself or others as myself, but usually about others as myself. Thus within this now that i have seen this, i can be more attentive and get the hints my body gives in forms of physical reactions when it will happen again, wherein i will be able to work the points out immediately.


Larry Manuela

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