Saturday 28 December 2013

Day 274, Challenge and No Challenge Part 2

Now i am going to get into the Self-commitment statements:


Self-Commitment statements

When and as i see myself going into or i am about to go into going into playing a personality out to be liked by women in this world, I STOP--------------- take a deep breath and bring myself back here, till i am clear and stable as the mind as energy.

I realize that by living the personalities in my mind deliberately because i have seen what i get from them,  i then continiously play them out to such an extent that i became them.

Therefore, i commit myself to make sure i pay attention to my personalities i have become and little by little work them out through practical Self-forgiveness in writing and then to make sure i write also corrective application for myself that are livable for me at the moment.

When and as i see myself going into or i am about to go into manipulating others using my personalities in order to get into a relationship, I STOP--------- take a deep breath and ground myself till i am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy.

I realize that i am manipulating others with my personalities just to get what i want, thus to feed my self-interest.

Therefore, i commit myself to in a moment to in pracise stop feeding my self-interest and just focus on my practical/physical breathing and make sure i write them out and then make a commitment to myself to not feed my self-interest to any personalities till i get all the points that are of and as self-interest as what i ahve become in this world.

When and as i see myself going into or i am about to go into letting myself get manipulated by others, I STOP------ take a deep breath and bring myself back here till i am clear and stable and notning moves within me as me as the mind as energy.

I realize that i am letting myself get manipulated deliberatly in order to also get what i want in the end, which is postive energetic experience.

Thus within this, i commit myself to work on focusing on myself and slow myself in breath in order to see when it is am deliberately participating in  letting myself get manipulated to get what i want, and to just stop it and write it out and make sure i have something practical to do in order to keep my focus in being grounded here and not get into participation in the mind and if it persists it means that i have to write more about it, because i am not seeing a point or getting a point sorted out.

When and as i see myself going into or about to go into using the phrase or sentence: '' we must accept someone for whom they are inside, the outside is not so important,'' I STOP take a deep breath and bring myself back here, till i am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy.

I realize that i use this sentence or phrase to give the personality in the mind more value and importance than the body itself where the mind in it cannot exist without.

Therefore, i commit myself to make sure i practise through my writing of self-forgiveness and my commitments to life,  till i become one and equal with and as my body and also with the mind that i have become itself in the body to understand myself as it completely in order to see myself as how i function within and as the mind in all its dimensions and layers.

When and as i see myself going into or i am about to go into seeing the body as just only a carrier for myself as personalities in a mind, I STOP----------- take a deep breath and bring myself back here till i am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy.

I realize that i see the body as an carier because i experience myself mostly as the personalities in my mind, and i am not in actuality really my body itself, all of it, like moving as the totality as all of what it consists of and exists as.

Therefore, i commit myself through my writing of self-forgiveness and my commitment to life to find out to find out how i work as the mind and then when i understand me as the mind i can stop myself in participation in it, because i know how i work as the mind, i am the directive principle thereof.

When and as i see myself going into or i am about to go into using the phrase or sentence: '' the person's heart is what counts,'' I STOP----------- take a deep breath and bring myself back here till i am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy.

I realize that i am using the physical heart as an example for depthness of emotions, because it is somewhere in this area that i experience deep emotions and feelings, thus giving feelings and emotions more value than anything else in this world according to my personal experience.

Thus i commit myself to workout all these deep emotions and feeling through my writing of self-forgiveness and my commitment to life so i just live here in every moment without having to depend on deep feelings and emotions in order to do something, and i just do something because of common sense and has to be done and accumulates to what is best for all.

When and as i see myself going into or i am about to go into giving certain parts or organs of my human body more value as measurement of my mind interpretations as what i experience as energy in my mind, I STOP-------- take a deep breath and bring myself back here till i am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy.

I realize that i am giving certain body parts or organs more value then other parts according to the value that i give to a specific emotion or feeling, thus the higher the emotions or feelings, then i use certain body parts or organs to imply that specific feeling or emotion is of more value then other feelings and emotions, they are special, thus creating separation in the mind itself about feelings and emotions and also on the physical level creating separation  by giving certain body parts more value then the rest of the body parts.

Therefore i commit myself to make sure to work out all these false values i have given to feelings and emotions and also to parts of my human physical body and make sure i teach myself to see value in what is LIFE all of it, as and within the physical, so that not any part of the physical reality can be given more value or less value then other part of the physical reality.

When and as i see myself going into or i am about to go into using the phrase or sentence: '' the character that the person is presenting is what is important and not so much how they look like,'' I STOP--------- take a deep breath and bring myself back here till i am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy.

I realize that i give certain specific character of an individual or myself more value then the expression of life itself as the human physical body, when i know within me that the character is just a play to get something from someone else, thus to satisfy my self-interest.

Therefore i commit myself to walk my process of writing myself to freedom to see/realize and understand myself as life equal to and one with the expression of life as my human physical body till i am equal and one with it and then by expressing me as this, that itself is what is valuable.

When and as i see myself going into or i am about to go into saying to people; 'i love you for your personality,' I STOP--------------- take a deep breath and bring myself back here till i am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy.

I realize that again i am giving the personalities in my mind or that i project as seeing in others more importance and valuable than that which is real itself, which the human physical body/form.

Therefore i commit myself to workout these personalities in my mind till i am them no-more and i live just one and equal with and as my human physical body and my physical breath.

When and as i see myself going into or i am about to go into using the sentence and phrase; 'you are such a lovely person,'' implying that the person is something that is lovely and that part is what is important above all else, I STOP----------- take a deep breath and bring myself back here till i am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy.

I realize that i am giving lots of credit to the persona in the mind especially if it has some traits that i preceive as good, because if it is ''good'' i can like it, and then experience a positive energy experience about it within myself.

Thus i commit myself to work out this special trait i look for through another in order to trigger within me positive energy experiences so i can feel good about myself and thus call the other lovely person, so they can continue being lovely and i can continue feeling positive energetic experiences in myself by keeping them in this belief that they are lovely as i intepret it, till i am clear inside myself and not react or create such experiences anymore.

When and as i see myself going into or i am about to go into seeking positive energetic experience to feel happy about myself, I STOP----------- take a deep breath and bring myself back here till i am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy.

I realize that i am seeking the positive energetic experience through triggering feelings of happiness within and as me, and projecting it outside of me as seeing it in others according to my own mind interpretation.

Therefore i commit myself to through my writing of self-forgiveness and my commitment to life to practically stop participation in the triggering of happy feelings within me, and make sure i focus on physical chores or any other physical task in order to not get myself possessed within and as the happy feeling, and just be with my breath as i am doing the physical task or chore.


Larry Manuela

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