Friday 7 March 2014

Day 288, Who am I in relationship with the word: "Thought." Part- 3

As I said in my previous blog, I will start with working out the list I have placed in the first part of this thread, related to understanding.


The first word, I have placed there is: " thoughts"

So what are thoughts?

I am going to give the definitions first as they exist within and as this world.

So these are the definitions taken from the freedictionay website:

thought  (thôt)
Past tense and past participle of think.
1. The act or process of thinking; cogitation.
2. A product of thinking. See Synonyms at idea.
3. The faculty of thinking or reasoning.
4. The intellectual activity or production of a particular time or group: ancient Greek thought; deconstructionist thought.
5. Consideration; attention: didn't give much thought to what she said.
a. Intention; purpose: There was no thought of coming home early.
b. Expectation or conception: She had no thought that anything was wrong.

So I am going to use some blogs from the group I participate in to give more information about thought, because there is more to thoughts, then just definitions, as what I have placed up here.

In the link I have placed here, which is an introduction about the design of thought, it is being explained the multidimensionality that is existent within and as the conscious mind of the mind consciousness system in relation to thought.

The primary thoughts that come up within this conscious mind of the mind consciousness system that we participate in throughout the day are many, like for example:

silent thoughts
projection thoughts
blank thoughts
sound thoughts
word thoughts
running/racing thoughts
personality thoughts
current-reality thoughts
jumping thoughts
conversational thoughts

The primary purpose from the thought-designs in the physical is ensuring the circulation of energy through the mind  from the physical and thus reinforcing the mind in and as the physical. Now these thoughts made sure that I separate me from me, from the rest of the mind, the physical body and entire physical existence.

I'll place here the information as I see/realize and understand it for myself from/out of this blog:

Thoughts are very tiny little fragements of an entire quantum interdimensional- physical System.

I define myself to and as my thoughts within the belief, perception and experience that thought is who I am, how I function and how I exist.

Thought is a very small part of the whole of the quantum mind in the physical that have come to define me, control me, and direct me as the entire quantum mind in the physical as Consciousness.

With not being aware of the mind-physical existence beyond thought I am limiting myself from exploring my self-created consequences.

Through my participation in thoughts, and giving it more value then breath as the physical I am separating myself from what is in fact real as this physical reality/existence.

That with thought, an energy experience as reaction that manifest about my external world or something or someone is in fact ME as my mind interperting reality based on memories that I myself have been accumulated within my physical body throughout my whole life, which I will use to interpret reality with and define myself to/towards it via/through myself as my mind consciousness system.

Self-forgiveness & Self-Commitment statements:

I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to actually really ever look into a dictionary to actually see or look up words I use daily as in what their definition is and if I am living the word according to this definition or I am defining the word according to examples I have of using the word within and as myself as my memories in relationship to/towards a specific word.

When and as I see myself going in to or I am about to go into using words without really having a look at the definitions of them and just use them according to what exist within me as memories of when and how to use the word but not really actually knowing the definition of the word, I STOP---------- take a deep breath and bring myself back here till I am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy.

I realize that I am using many many words that I do not really know what their definitions are in fact as they were agreed upon by the common knowledge of this word and for certain specific languages too, but just used words according to what I BELIEVE they might be defined as, and when I have a look at them most of the times I see/realize and understand that I do not have a clear definition of the words I am busy using.

Therefore, I commit myself to look up the words I use in my daily life and to remember their definition so that when I speak a word I actually really know the definition of it and not believing that I know it or bew very close to the real definition and IF I find the definition to be not what is best for me or best for all of life, I redefine the word for myself so I can live it in a way that is best for all of life.

I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to see/realize and understand that thoughts are little fragments of an entire quantum interdimensional-physical System.

When and as I see myself going into or I am about to go into forgetting what I am actually aware of on another level even without being aware that I am forgetting, which is the that thoughts are little fragments of an entire quantum interdimensional- physical System, I STOP----------------- take a deeo breath and bring myself back here, till I am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as eenrgy.

I realize that not being aware of the information I have been given by the portal as a gift so I can use it to realize myself as whom I have become within and as myself, within and as this world, within and as my mind because of letting myself keep on forgetting the information that was shared with me as a support to support myself in my journey to life in the physical.

Thus within this, I commit myself to actually pay very much attention to when I reading the information or hearing the information of the portal to slow myself down in breath first and to then read it in breath, with breath one and equal so that the information shared is integrated within and as part of the memories that will be palced within and as my body and that I can bring forth whenever I choose and direct myself to do so, and to then live the words as have been given them as a gift.

I forgive myself that I have acceped and allowed myself to define myself to and as my thoughts withihn the believe/perception and experience that thought is who I am, how I function and how I exist.

When and as I see myself going into or I am about to go into defining myself as my thoughts, I STOP--------- take a deep breath and bring myself back here till I am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy.

I realize that I am defining myself and thus my living within and as this world, this reality, this existence according to my own thoughts.

Therefore, I commit myself to NOT define myself according to my thoughts and make sure that when thoughts appear within and as my mind to forgive them and to not participate in them, by just simply not giving them attention and instead give all my attention to that which actually do matter which is my breathing, me as breath, and out of this I can express myself always being here in every moment of living with and as my breath one and equal with and as my body.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to let thought which is a very small part of the whole to define me, control me, and direct me as this entire quantum mind in the physical as Consciousness.

When and as I see myself going into or I am about to go into  letting my thoughts to define me, control me, and direct as very small part of the entire quantum mind in the physical as consciousness, I STOP-------------------- take a deep breath and bring myself back here till I am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy.

I realize that by letting myself be defined by my thoughts, or controled by my thoughts, or directed by my thoughts, I am in fact not here within and as myself as the physical body as of everything it consists of and exists as here in the physical.

Therefore, I commit myself to little by little through my writing of self-forgiveness or speaking self-forgiveness out loud, to stop letting myself be controlled, defined and directed by my thoughts and to in that same breath change me to direct myself within and as  my breath, within and as my human physical body one and equal, till thought no more define me, nor control me, nor direct me.

I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to not being aware of and as myself as the mind-physical existence beyond thought is contribtuing to the limitation of/about myself to explore my self-created consequences.

When and as I see myself going into or I am about to go into participation in thought and I am just therein participating in them to immediately STOP--------take a deep breath and ground myself here, till I am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy.

I realize that by participating within and as thoughts I do not become aware of the entire mind-physical existence that is beyond thought, and in so doing I limit myself to explore my self-created consequences.

Therefore, I commit myself to really actually through self-forgiveness, either through writing it down or speaking it out loud, to little by little stopping myself in participating in thoughts in my conscious mind and more and more stabilize myself through/within and as my breath so I can see more of myself and then can direct myself to not create consequences for myself and others as myself within the physical.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate in thoughts and in doing so, separate myself from what is in fact real as the physical reality by giving it more value then breath.

When and as I see myself going into or I am about to go into participation in thoughts and giving them more value then my breath, wherein I separate me from what is in fact real as the physical reality, I STOP--------------- take a deep breath and bring myself back here till I am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy.

I realize that through participating within my thoughts and giving them more value then my breath I am in fact separating myself from what is in fact real as the physical reality here.

Thus, within this I commit myself to make sure that I little by little stop myself into participating within and thoughts and giving them more value then my breath and instead direct myself to give not only value to my breath but also honoring it for supporting and assisting me here in the physical within and as my human physical body expressing itself here. And this I do through either writing self-forgiveness when there are thoughts that continue coming up and don't go away when I do not give them attention and value, till I am actually stable and can just be here breathing.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to with thought let an energy experience as reaction manifesting about my external world or something or someone that is in fact me as my mind interpreting reality based on the memories I have been accumulated throughout my whole life within my physical body which I use to intepret reality with and define myself to/towards it through/via my mind consciousness system.

When and as I see myself going into or I am about to go into energy experiences as reactions that manifest about my external world or something or someone where intepreting reality based on memories accumulated within my physical body throughout my whole life, which is use to intepret reality with and define myself to/towards it through and via my mind consciousness system, I STOP------------- take a deep breath and bring myself back here, till I am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy.

I realize that reacting to/towards my external world or something or someone within it, based on intepretation of what exists within myself as memories accumulated throughout my whole life, I then from that starting point define myself to/towards the thought through/via my mind consciousness system.

Therefore, I commit myself to through my writing of self-forgiveness and my commitment to life, to make sure I do not participate in mind interpretations of reality based on memories that are also intepretation of what my mind believe reality to be, and instead direct myself to be here and stay here within and as my breath, within and as my human physical body.


So within this little information given/shared by the interdimensional portal, I have come to see/realize and understand more about myself in a practical way/manner how it is I function within the design of thought and how it is I am accepting and allowing myself to define, interpet, control and direct myself through thoughts, and therefore seeing all this has given me more information about myself that I can use to see more of myself that I am not yet aware of and in so doing can utilize this information to support myself within and as my process within my journey to life in the physical.


Larry Manuela

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