The next word in the word-list is: " Emotions"
Now before I go into the writing of this, I must state here that not all the words I have placed in the word-list will be words that I can use the information of the interdimensional portal to see more on that level or/and other people within desteni. And some words will need only a re-definition, like; 'car, airplane, house.'
Also I must say that, I am not in the position to go deeply within the understanding of emotions as within the interdimensional level, thus will walk what I understand about it and till all of it becomes more clearly understood within myself and thus I live the understanding of it as whom I am.
So now to Emotions.
This is what this word is being defined as within this world. I have chosen this time;

any strong agitation of the feelings actuated by experiencing love, hate, fear, etc., and usually accompanied by certain physiological changes, as increased heartbeat or respiration, and often overtmanifestation, as crying or shaking.
an instance of this.
something that causes such a reaction: the powerful emotion of a great symphony.
So as we can see here above according to these defintions emotions are something that happens in the inside of us as something we experience in the form of energy, but yet the energy itself we do not see it within us, we just experience it, and these experiences are learned and passed on from generations to generations. We cannot see how it is energy is being created within our bodies itself.
Now I will look at what the portal have said about these emotions and se what I can understand out of that.
I will use the following blogs for that:
Now I will look at what the portal have said about these emotions and se what I can understand out of that.
I will use the following blogs for that:
Within this blog a specific point about emotions was laid out and explained, but within it, there are cool mentionings of what an emotion is, so I will be placing these here, and I quote:
" EMOTIONS, reactions / emotional-reactions such as anger, frustration, hatred, fear – is ENERGY reaction produced by a Mind/Consciousness and humans are constantly-continuously in fact existing in/as this LIVING STATEMENT of accepting and allowing ENERGY as emotions and feelings, in fact, to get the best of you, your AWARENESS. "
Now within this one quote here I am going to workout for myself what I have come to understand within it through self-forgiveness statements and self-commitment statements.
Self-Forgiveness & Self-Commitment statements:
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not really see/realize and understand what emotions really are on all levels as they exist within me as me as the mind as energy, from conception all the way to living it out.
When and as I see myself going into or I am about to go into not allowing myself to see all that is to see within and as myself about what emotions really are on all levels within and as myself, I STOP------------ take a deep breath and bring myself back here till I am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy.
I realize that I am allowing myself to not fully investigate within myself what emotions really are on all levels because of my own self-accepted believe of limiting my understanding and thus my seeing within and as myself as what I am letting myself go through as emotions.
Thus within this, I commit myself to investigate my emotions fully and to also remind myself that I need to be patient with myself, because it is not something that I can understand at this stage within a moment and that my understaning of my own emotions needs my forgiving of myself of what I have been accepting and allowing within and as myself to exist as me as the mind as energy.
I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to see/realize and understand that the reaction/ emotional reaction as anger, is energy reaction produced by my mind/consciousness that I am constantly and consistently exisiting in and as to get the best of my awareness.
When and as I see myself going into or I am about to go into reaction/emotional reaction as anger, I STOP------------- take a deep breath and bring msyelf back here till I am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy.
I realize that I am constantly and consistenly allowing myself to participate into reaction/emotional reaction as anger, because I am allowing myself as the part of me that is aware of everything about me to be lead astrayed by the energy that is produced by my own body.
Therefore, I commit myself to make sure to through my writing of self-forgiveness and my commitments to life, to not only stop myself in moments when anger appears or before it appears, but to actually have a look at where it is coming from and what caused me to react in such a way and more specifically how to make sure I do NOT participate into it again in other moments and do my best to find out what memories are existing within me as my mind consciousness system that are holding on to defense mechanisms as emotions to protect my self-interest of certain/specific character/personality within me.
I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to see/realize and understand that the reaction/emotional reaction as frustration, is energy reaction produced by my mind consciousness system that I am constantly/consistently exisiting in and as to get the best of my awareness.
When and as I see myself going into or I am about to go into the reaction/emotional reaction as frustration, I STOP------------- take a deep breath and bring myself back here till I am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy.
I realize that I am letting myself get into the reaction/emotional reaction as frustration when I am not in full understanding of something or my bringing it out in words as explanation is not being understood by another and thus this energy reaction continues.
Therefore, I commit myself to through my writing of self-forgiveness and out loud speaking of self-forgiveness and my commitment to life, to make sure to before I speak something to really calm myself down within breath and slowly bring out what I want to express as best as possible as I can with the words I can stand by and as, as what I will be communicating and if another still does not understand what I am saying to just choose in that moment to not go into the reaction of frustration but instead choose to stick with my breathing as in focusing on my breathing, and then again communicate and look for other words that may be shared that bring clarity to my communication to/towards another as myself.
I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to see/realize and understand that the reaction/emotional reaction as hatred is energy reaction produced by my mind consciousness system that I am constantly/consistently existing as and in to get the best of my awareness.
When and as I see myself going into or I am about to go into reaction/emotional reaction as hatred, I STOP-------- take a deep breath and bring myself back here till I am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy.
I realize that I go into reaction/emotional reaction of hatred to/towards the actions of all of humanity within myself and thus not seeing/realizing and understanding that in allowing myself to participate within this I am in fact perpetuating this hatred that exists within this world through others as myself and thus in fact supporting that which I within myself hate about myself and the rest of the humans for what we do and not do.
Therefore, I commit myself to through my writing of self-forgiveness and my commitment to life to not only investigate this hatred more deeply but to also come up with practical solutions that will assist and support me to not participate within hatred and also to make sure that I within my participation within this world does not perpetuate this reaction/emotional reaction within this world through my example if I were to allow myself to go through it and live it out.
I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to see/realize and understand that the reaction/emotional reaction as fear is energy produced by my mind consciousness system that I am constantly/consistently existing in and as to get the best of my awareness.
When and as I see myself going into or I am about to go into the reaction/emotional reaction as fear, I STOP-------------- take a deep breath and bring myself back here, till I am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy.
I realize that I am reacting in/as fear whenever there are unresolves issues about my own fears within and as my own mind consciousness system about the fear that exists within me that I do not understand as of yet why it exist within me as me as the mind as energy.
Therefore, I commit myself to look more into my fear in relation to unresolved issues about my own fears and investigate/introspect it more deeply and slowly but surely clearing all the fear that exists within me as me as the mind as energy.
Within this blog I have seen/realized and understood that Emotions are existing within me, because of my acceptance and allowance of them within and as me to be produced by my mind consciousness system, and thus giving them permission to direct my participation within and as my world based on what is directed of/from them for me to act out upon or react upon in the real world/phyical reality. Thus now that I am clear within myself as to what extent it is I am busy letting myself get carried away by my own self-created emotions, I can apply myself beforehand and make sure I do not let myself be directed by/through them and make sure to remain here in breath and and my human physical body and from this starting point direct me to apply myself within and as such standing as myself as the breath and as my human physical body here.
Larry Manuela
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There is a clear and short definition of emotions in the Dip-Lite course where it is explained that emotions are the negatively charged energetic experiences and feelings are the positively charged energetic experiences, which is different as how it is used in our common language at the moment (see the dictionary-definitions in your blog where the words 'emotion' and 'feeling' are mixed up).
ReplyDelete"Emotions are negatively charged energetic experiences/movements/reactions within and as self, which are generators and power sources of/for the Mind Consciousness System. One is thus able to identify emotions as a negative experience within and as self."
Yes, cool Ingrid.