Thursday 27 March 2014

Day 295, Who am I in relationship with the word: " Walking." Part-10

Here I am continuing with the next word, which will be: " walking."

To see what I am busy with these words understanding them, I suggest to read my first blog about this topic where I placed a list of words for me to bring to my understanding.

So now let me have a look at what the online dictionaries have as definitions for: "walking."


 noun \ˈw-kiŋ\
: the activity of walking for exercise

Full Definition of WALKING

:  the action of one that walks
:  the condition of a surface for one going on foot <thewalking is slippery>

So there we have it. Now this word when it comes to understanding of it as its definition there is no problem, because it's something I have done throughout my life, and I am still doing it. But when it comes to the mechanics of how it actually functions, I don't have a clear understanding of it. Also when it comes to the awareness of me as my legs, as what they are doing, thus how exactly they function and how am I able to walk on them is another no go.
I have no memories at all as to how my body have managed to learn to walk, all I am aware of at some level is that I am walking and that somehow my body knows from itself how to do it. Fascinating is, how I say this is my body, but yet I am not actually my body. Whom I am in relation to all my body is in total separation. The knowledge we can get from others about the biological function of the legs that I use for walking is just that: "the knowledge" of it. The knowledge was done through observation and what is observed is being noted and then put in books, so mostly some people who want to become doctors in this world can go and study these and then when they study these terms that have been coined up that no-one else knows it seem as if they have understanding of the legs and of what and how they function, better then someone else. Now this may be so in the world today as it exist in the moment, but the problem is that, not one of these doctors can say that they are equal and one with and as their legs and that they ARE their legs in every moment in everything their legs is doing, because there is no such thing. This is so obvious that we have taken it as: " normal." We have taken the automated functioning of our bodies as normal, because no-one is aware as themselves as their bodies.

 Now this point is one of the points that If one have a look at the whole spiritual world, especially with the spiritual masters and all the Guru's, one can see if one would ask them to explain in detail and specificity who they are as their legs, there is going to be no answer, the question would be considered one that has nothing to do with spirituality, when in actuality according to the words they use, they should be having a clear awareness of whom they are as their whole body, especially the ones that claim for example that they have gotten out of their bodies and have seen the other side or those whom are claiming that they have experienced Oneness. If the experience of oneness was really real, then one would have experienced everything as oneself, and I literally mean: "EVERYTHING."

If one notice the oneness that is talked about is always about how they experience themselves as the whole universe and everything in it as they believe, thus from a mental perspective but yet that is all they can talk about, the experience itself, NOT what exactly in detail and specificity is behind the experience, what is the origin of the experience and if they find it is energy, how/where is this energy then coming from within the body....?What is the relationship between the energy, the experience and the body?  All the things they have experienced from a mental perspective when it comes to the oneness  that is being talked about is not taken to its core of commencement/origin, and especially how it is that the design of all of it is not understood nor seen within their experiences of oneness.

So back to the legs, my legs have supported me to move from one place to another in this world and are still doing so, and I am grateful for them supporting me in doing so.

Self-Forgiveness & Self-Commitment statements:

I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to actually be my legs in the moment I am walking to actually of myself and from myself totally understand me as my legs as part of all of me as my human physical body and the relationship that exists within and as my human physical body between all the parts that it consists of and exists as.

Therefore, I commit myself to little by little through my writing of self-forgiveness and my commitments to life to actually start being one and equal with my legs, because one thing is certain that my legs are doing is the walking. Thus the memory of how they started doing it and what they must do in order to do it is all within and as the legs themselves and also within and as the whole body for the whole body is in communication with itself as one unit as all the parts it consists of and exists as.

I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to ever be grateful in every moment for what my legs are doing in supporting me to move from one place to another.

Thus within this, I commit myself to not only be grateful but also to give respect to myself as my legs for how they support me so I as my whole body can move from one place to another in this world, in this reality.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see/realize/understand that my legs as  they way they function is always from out of the moment to the next, thus one step after another they move and thus WE move as all the body as one together with the legs.

I commit myself to be one and equal with my legs in the moment of walking by first taking away all the misconceptions and believes that may exist within me as me as the mind as energy, wherein I think and believe that I cannot be one and equal with my legs and actually in fact be them as me in every moment of every breath in everything they do in order to move me form one place to another as the total body that I am in this world, in this reality.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see/realize and understand that if spirituality was really about oneness I would have been one with my legs to, aware of all of what they are and who they are and how they are in specificity and detail from the very conception of the legs all the way to now in this moment, totally aware of them as me and as who I am in relationship with my legs.

Therefore, I commit myself to through my writing of self-forgiveness and my commitments to life to make sure study myself as who I am in relation to my legs in every moment and if I forget to remind myself through my breathing.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to let myself abuse the function of my legs to bring me into situations and in connection with people and places that were not in actual accordance to where I for real wanted to go, but me as my mind consciousness system wanted to go, and within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have always chosen to go where my mind consciousness system dictates I should go, thus that I in total awareness as myself have never decided to go where I wanted to go as my body by the support of my legs as I walk this earth.

Therefore, I commit myself to dedicate my attention to learn to listen and to go where my body wants to go and remind myself that this learning will take time, because I have to put down my dependency I have placed within my mind consciousness system as me to go to places and meet with people based ONLY in self-interest and never in what will be best for the body or what will be best for all life on earth.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to in the past have used my walking to reach a destination where I can be more close to someone else in order to manipulate the other to go my way, either for entertainment or for suitable survival needs within the system of the world.

Thus within this I commit myself to use my walking to support myself to bring myself into situations and with people and in circumstances that allow me the opportunity to do what will be best for all life, thus automatically what will be best for me too.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think and believe that not being aware as myself walking, and that the automated functioning of my body is what it should be in this world, that I am not aware of myself as all of the parts of what my body consists of and exists as, and within this coined up  a word to protect this unawareness, that I have term: "normal." Thus within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think/believe that my unawareness of what seem to be automated is the way it should be, that I am not suppose to be aware of what is happening that I see and pereceive and interpret as automated functioning.

Therefore within this, I commit myself to little by little start to pay attention to what my legs are doing and all the parts of my body are doing and to start the living as equal and one with them and forgiving all misconseption and believes I have created within myself that in actuality are supporting my perceived automated functioning of my human physical body.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to within my walking never walked as an example in this world that leads to that which will be best for all of life, but that I have always placed as an example in my walking to only lead to there  where I can surive and thrive in my self-interest thus in this way showing to the world and accepting and allowing all the human bodies to also walk the same walk I walk.

Therefore, I commit myself to guide myself and support myself to make sure I walk in the direction of what will lead to that which is best for all, and to remind myself that I will encounter difficulty and challenges along the way, and that these difficulties and challenges are what I myself have accepted and allowed to be here, thus must walk through them to be the example as to walk in the direction to what will be best for all life, that I lead myself only in that direction.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define walking in my mind only to serve my self-interest in relation to what I have accepted and allowed to be within and as my mind that are NOT in the best interest of all.

Thus within this, I commit myself to stop my self-interests through my writings of self-forgiveness and my commitments to life and transform my self-interest in the interest that is best for all.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to instead of walking myself into clarity have chosen to always walked myself into moments of loss, where I do not know where I am and what I am doing there and also not knowing what I am doing here.

Thus within this I commit myself to create a purpose for myself where I walk in complete confidence to go where I have to go and do what I have to do to bring about that which is best for all life.


Within this writing I have come to see/realize and understand how I have used my walking as a means to only serve my self-interest and have also in the same breath assisted and supported through my walking in this world the self-interest of others to their walking in their self-interest in this world, making sure that all the humans do when they walk is to walk to serve their self-interest. Thus now that I am more clear about what I am accepting and allowing, what I am doing as an example in my walking, I can transform it into a means to bring awareness in walking towards that which will lead to what which is best for all life.


Larry Manuela

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