Saturday 15 March 2014

Day 290, Who am I in relationship with the word: "Feeling." Part- 5

 So now moving further to the next word, which is going to be " Feelings."

before I continue, let me place the link of the first blog with the list of words that I said I will be working out as to get to really understand them as living them in a practical way and as I also said, that there are words in that list that are not words I practically can live, but I can redefine them in way that will be best for all life for me to live according to these re-definitions.

So now up to feelings. So lets see what our dictionaries are saying about feelings.


feel·ing  (fē′lĭng)
a. The sensation involving perception by touch.
b. A sensation experienced through touch.
c. A physical sensation: a feeling of warmth.
2. An affective state of consciousness, such as that resulting from emotions, sentiments, or desires: experienced a feeling of excitement.
3. An awareness or impression: He had the feeling that he was being followed.
a. An emotional state or disposition; an emotion: expressed deep feeling.
b. A tender emotion; a fondness.
a. Capacity to experience the higher emotions; sensitivity; sensibility: a man of feeling.
b. feelings Susceptibility to emotional response; sensibilities: The child's feelings are easily hurt.
6. Opinion based more on emotion than on reason; sentiment.
7. A general impression conveyed by a person, place, or thing: The stuffy air gave one the feeling of being in a tomb.
a. Appreciative regard or understanding: a feeling for propriety.
b. Intuitive awareness or aptitude; a feel: has a feeling for language.
1. Having the ability to react or feel emotionally; sentient; sensitive.
2. Easily moved emotionally; sympathetic: a feeling heart.
3. Expressive of sensibility or emotion: a feeling glance.

In these definitions up here, only B and C are deeling in a sense with the real practical "feeling" as it exists in real physical matter, thus what feeling actually is as an expression as the body that is real, real touch.
The rest are dealing with mind perceptions and interpretations. Nothing to do with the real physical feeling/touch, thus reality.
As we also already know, we as humanity have taken the  positively charged energetic experiences= feelings we experience as if they're more important than the actual real feeling as in touching itself, thus the physical touch. Even the physical touch is being used as a means to measure the energetic feelings we experience inside, it's like we touch in order to feel.
Within the desteni material I have learened thus that feelings are positively charged energetic experiences.
They are the projections of any emotion, thus the polarity expression of emotions. They are designed derivatives of emotions to establish the experience of polarity within all of us humans.

Self-forgiveness & Self-Commitment statements:

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to live in a world where I and the rest of us humans don't actually really know what feelings are, I have no actual real understanding of what feelings are in fact from the moment of conception upto the moment of experience.

When and as I see myself going into or I am about to go into judging myself and the rest of human beings as of not knowing how our minds work, I STOP---------- take a deep breath and bring myself back here, till I am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy.

I realize that I am judging myself and the rest of the human beings of not knowing what feelings actually are, without having to judge it and just see/realize and understand that at the moment this is how it is by most if not all humans on the earth.

Therefore, I commit myself to investigate the desteni material on this subject and also not only investigate and study it, but to actually really apply within and as my daily live so I can walk as an example within and as the understanding of feelings.

I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to see/realize and understand the importance of understanding how feelings actually work.

When and as I see myself going into or I am about to go into not giving importance in understanding how feelings actually really work, I STOP----------- take a deep breath and bring myself back here, till I am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy.

I realize that I am not giving much importance in coming to an understanding of how feelings actually really work.

Thus within this I commit myself to make sure I study more indepth the desteni material that are specifically giving information about this subject and not only study it as a form of gaining information about it, but to actually use the information in order to be an example as how to live understanding feelings in actual real life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to live in world where feelings and emotions are being messed up and mixed up with each other and where there is not a clear distinction between the two.

When and as I see myself going into or I am about to go into looking at the defintions of this world about this subject of feelings or emotions and I see that they are all messed up and mixed up and that there is not a real clear distinction between the two, I STOP------------------ take a deep breath and bring myseklf back here till I am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy.

I realize that I am at the moment seeing these defintions as messed up and mixed up, because of the understanding that I have aquired through the desteni material that is specifically clear in sharing what feelings are and what emotions are.

Thus within this I commit myself to continue with the studying and implementing the knowledge into practical living step by step till I am completely living the words feelings and emotions in every moment of breath right here.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to give the positively charged energy experience as feeling more value and worth and improtance then the actual real physical touch as the real feeling, physical feeling.

When and as I see myself going into or I am about to go into giving positively charged energetic experiences more value/worth and importance then the actual real physical touch as real feeling, I STOP---------- take a deep breath and bring myself back here till I am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy.

I realize I am giving positively charged energetic experiences as feelings more value/worth and importance then the actual real expression of feeling itself which is physical touch as physical feeling.

Thus within this I commit myself to reverse this value/worth and importance I have given to the charged energy experience within myself and instead give value and worth and importance to the real actual feeling as touch and within this express myself completely within and as touch, as the real manifested form that is what real feeling is all about.


Within this writing I have come to see/realize and understand that I have been living only in giving more value to the feelings that exist within me as me as the mind then the actual real physical feeling as touch, so much so that I have come to use/abuse the body when touching myself or another to only get an experience of energy within me as me as the mind as consciousness. Thus now that I am aware of what I am doing, I can in moments when I am seeing myself moving into or I am already into the whole energy experience to immediately STOP myself and give my attention to the actual touch as physical feeling and immerse myself completely as me expressing me as the physical right here in and as physical touch as physical real feeling.


Larry Manuela

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