Now i am starting a new serie on my contemplation Character, as i would call it.

It happens a few days ago that i was at the house of a very close friend of mine, and she told me to just ''do what i normally would do when i am at my own house.''
Now this sentence may be to her, just a simple thing to do, depending of course how oneself live.
The problem with me is that i am the kind of guy that will look within myself as to all the dimensions of what can possibly happen if i were to maybe use something that i am not suppose to use or maybe use it in the wrong way or for the wrong purpose. But by doing this i go into my mind consciousness system and then i end up with lots of questions, that i don't really want to bother another with. So what i will do is just watch the person how they move within the space of their own home/environment and how they handle their own stuff and for what purposes they use their stuff, so that when is my turn to use their stuff i don't use it for the wrong purposes, because in my mind i have plenty of examples where i myself got into misunderstandings about the uses of certain stuff of others and also seeing others agruing about stuff with each other, so i took all of that in one go and then i look/watch the other, in this case my very close friend as how she moves and handle her stuff in her own house.
Now what i did not notice of course was that i was in my mind consciousness system trying to control the situation, because in my own life this have become my own way of surviving, i just watch everything before i really do it myself when it comes to something i have to do physically, and if i am in a strange environment even more, because i want to do it as correct as i possibly can by the very first time i engage into the physical act.
Only after she asked me if i was comfortable and i told her that i was comfortable, from my perspective in the sense that i was comfortable sitting and watching her move to see how she handle her stuff in her own home, so that when it is my turn to use her stuff, i already have an example of how to use her stuff, then i don't need to ask questions. She asked me twice, because she saw something else, that my attention was directed to her alone and NOT myself, and that that implies separation to Self. In the beginning i couldn't see how i was being not with/as Self because from my perspective i am looking at all possible dimensions of what consequences can derive from doing one thing or the other and i did not tell her the whole truth about how i was really being in that moment and that is, that i was comfortable sitting and watching but when it comes to what she asked me in the beginning, thus: '' do as you would normally do in the space of your own home,'' that was something else, because this is a point that have to do with a lot of stuff. It have to do with how i am too, or worse, what i have accepted and allowed myself to be/become. This doesn't necessarily mean something bad/negative/wrong.!
Now lets have a look in relation to this point what i have accepted and allowed myself to be/become.
I was brought up, ( this is NOT a blame, just exposing whom i am and how that happened) in a culture and my whole family close and extended are people that have certain rules when visiting other people's houses, we don't just walk in and start to do what we normally do within the space of our own home, because one does NOT know how someone else live in their own space, even when they tell you to do so. In the culture where i come from it is disrespectful to just walk in someone elses house and start to use their stuff and open cabinets or whatever to look where they got their stuff and so on. This behaviour is engrained within me as being disrespectful to other people's house and to how they live in their house and to how they keep their stuff. lol
And besides what i was taught by my family and through the culture i was born into, i myself as a kid and still to this day that i am a grownup person was/is someone whom observe eveything, thus my whole environment, it's like my own little comfortable thing i like to do a lot, just watching everything and not just watching also listening to the sounds of what is going on. I am NOT a social person, was always comfortable being by myself alone, and this does NOT mean that i cannot take it being in crowded places or being in company of lots of people, because either way i am still just observing everything still. For example there are very little noises, or close to none that will bother me and i won't even call them noises, i just take it as it is, they don't bother me. There are people for example that cannot take any little sound, they HAVE to live where it's totally quiet, they can't live in a busy city for example, when to me i am just moving into a different environment and i take the environment as it is with all it's noises and so on. In a sense it is my own way to quiet my mind, but quieting my mind does NOT mean I am being HERE, being HERE is a totally different thing.
So in my next blog i will start with the walking of the dimensions in regards to this whole story.
Larry Manuela
Have a look at our solution to all the problems in this world, and i mean ALL: EQUALMONEY
Support our research and by one or more of our educational products that will surely blow your mind: EQAFE
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Now coming to the last dimension in regards to this one point. This dimension will be the Consequence-Dimension.
And for more context i will place all the links of the previous posts related to this one point and wherein i walked all the dimensions of that one point, to work it out for myself.
And for a little bit of what i wrote yesterday, here is an excerpt:Self-Reward:The Reward i give myself HERE, is to make sure that i will become more attentive in the words i speak and also attentive to what my body gives me as signs as when something is wrong in the sense of me NOT being HERE and lost within and as my mind consciousness system. So now when mty body reacts, i can immediately assess within myself IF the body reactions have to do with me NOT being HERE as my human physical body itself one and equal, within and as my breath.Now, up to the last dimension that will be the Consequence Dimension.Problem:Consequence dimension:*** I create an outflow of consequence where me and her are in a state of being uncomfortable with each other in how we interact and behave with each other.
**** Avoiding communication with each other
*** avoiding eye-contactSolutions:Self-forgiveness statements:
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to due to me not wanting/willing/Daring to cumminacte with her as i should makes me create an outflow of consequence wherein me and her are in a state of uncomfortableness with each other in how we interact and behave with each other.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to NOT see/realize/understand to what extent my none wanting/willing/daring to communicate can lead to an outcome that is NOT BEST for both participants. Thus within this i forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to NOT have made a decision that has an outcome that would have been BEST for the both participants.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to due to me NOT wanting/willing/daring to communicate makes me and her kind of avoid communication with each other instead of looking at the point as to why we are acting and behaving like that and sort it out immediately, taking our directive will either it comes from myself or her, but as long as it is exposed so we can see it, because one may see something the other does not see in a moment, and being quiet about will not change the situation or bring awareness to the point of inequality or separation. Thus within this i forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to NOT take my directive will when and as i see myself having a reaction or a belief about something to immediately bring it out as to look at it as to understand why it exists within me as me as the mind as energy.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to avoid eye contact with her, just because i interpret from my mind consciousness system that she is avoiding eye contact with me, thus i do the same, instead of asking the question as why that is happening, thus why it is we are avoinding looking at each other in the eye.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to NOT take my directive will to ask in a moment when something is not clear to me, what it is that is not clear and why i and another is then reacting due to a point that is unclear or not understood.Self-commitment statements:
I commit myself to when and as i see myself going into or i am about to go into NOT wanting/willing/daring to communicate to immediately STOP, take a deep breath and bring myself back HERE, till i am clear and stable and out of this i can then have a look within myself as to why it is i am NOT wanting/willing/daring to communicate and when i find the reason within myself as to why i am not communicating i then find a way to bring it to exposure through either in moment forgiving myself or if it is somewhere i can write it down in a format as self-forgiveness writings i do so, and after this i correct myself to make sure i don't repeat this again where i create an internal fight within myself unnecessarily that leads to a none communication between two participants or more.
I commit myself to when and as i see myself going into or i am about to go into NOT making in the decision in a moment that can have an outcome that will be BEST for both participants, i STOP take a deep breath and bring myself back HERE, till i am clear and stalbe and out of this clarity and stability i then look within myself why it is i am not making a a decision that will be BEST for all and then correct myself and just make the decision in a moment in common sense that i am sure will be BEST for all, and IF it is something that i need to ask the other for her permission i do so, because my decision can be what is BEST for me, but it can also be not what is BEST for the other, thus i have to take into consideration what the other will find of my decision and If it is NOT what is BEST for her, then the two of us can work out and agree to a point wherein what is BEST for both is acceptable and practical and doable.
I commit myself to when and as i see myself going into or i am about to go into avoiding communicating with another as myself, i STOP take a deep breath and bring myself back HERE and make sure i focus on my breathing till i am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy and then from this point of clarity and stability i look within myself to see why it is i am avoiding commincation with another as myself and when i find it within me i work on it to make sure i correct myself and take my directive will when i see something is NOT what is BEST for all, thus in this case avoiding communication and then find simple practical/doable ways to communicate with each other that will be BEST for both.
I commit myself to when and as i see myself going into or i am about to go into avoiding eye contact with her, i immediately STOP, take a deep breath and bring myself back HERE and focus on my breathing till i am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy and in this clarity and stability i can then look within myself as to why i am avoiding eye contact with her and when i find the reason within myself as my own truth i then forgive myself in that moment and correct myself directly as to work out the point of avoiding eye contact with each other.
I commit myself to when and as i see myself going into or i am in a point within myself where i see that something is unclear to me i immediately STOP take a deep breath and bring myself back HERE and make sure i focus on my breathing till i am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy and from out of this starting point i can then investigate within myself why it is something is unclear to me and what exactly is unclear to me and that it is something i have to ask another to assist and support me, so i can see it within myself for myself i then do so IF it is not, i just don't.Self-Reward:The reward i can give to myself HERE is that i can see that i can assist and support myself by looking within myself in a moment when i know within myself that i am NOT wanting/willing/daring to communicate with another as myself, because there is something that i myself have accepted and allowed within myself to be as judgements and reactions/backchats/internal conversations/thoughts and thus STOP it in a moment investigate it and then correct myself and make sure that the correction i make is one that i can trully LIVE practically that will be BEST for me and another as myself.
Larry Manuela
Have a look at our solution to all the problems in this world, and i mean ALL: EQUALMONEY
Support our research and by one or more of our educational products that will surely blow your mind: EQAFE
Walk yourself out of your illusion back into the physical LIFE substance through using the tools in this course: DIP
Do the course of a lifetime and change yourself in order to change the world:DIP If not able to afford this one, here is a free version to get you started in becoming a REAL caring human being:
So, now i am continuing withn the next the dimension which will be the Physical/Behavioural Dimension.
For a little context i place here a bit of what i wrote the last time.
Self-Reward:I see within myself within this writing that i am judging/blaming another as myself for my own mind delusion that only i can create within myself, thus now that i have seen/realized/understood what i am accepting and allowing within myself, i have now the real choice to STOP myself when i see myself going into or i am about to go into judging and blaming others as myself. Thus my gift that i have given myself within this writing HERE, is to NOT judge and blame others, and to look within myself when i happen to fall in these mind traps and get out of them immediately so i don't create consequences that will NOT be what is BEST for all.Problem:Physical/Behavioural Dimension:*** itching headscalp
*** taking short breaths
*** body temperature oscillating from cold to warm and from warm back again to coldSolutions:Self-forgiveness statements:
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to due to participation into backchats/internal conversation/energy reactions/thoughts/emotions/feelings/judgements/justifications all happening at once makes my headscalp itch a lot as if everything is going up to my head and it is overwhelming.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to let myself be carried away by these mind energies and partake in them to such an extent that my body react in itching of my headscalp.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to NOT see/realize/understand that i never pay attention to my body physical reactions, when it is giving me all kinds of signs.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to abuse my body without even being aware of it, to such an extent that the only resolve the body have, is to give me a sign as a headscalp itching, and even with this i still didn't get it that i was being given physical signs that i need to STOP and get out of the participation within/as my mind consciousness system.
I forgive myself that i haven't accepted and allowed myself to see/realize/understand that i have to be vigilant/attentive in every word i speak and make sure that i am HERE within/as my breath and my human physical body one and equal.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to NOT see/realize/understand, that in moments of NOT wanting to face myself i take very short breaths instead of long and slow breath to see the whom i am in a moment and to be aware of whom i am and if i am expressing myself in that particular moment as myself within/as my breath and human physical body, one and equal.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to not be aware in the moment of my body reacting in oscillating from cold to warm and back again to cold that it was doing its BEST to warn me that i amabusing it by participating within my mind consciousness system.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to NOT pay attention to every physical reaction my body have, that could be an indication that i am participating in my mind consciousness system and is within this harming/abuse my human physical body.Self-commitment statements:
I commit myself to when and as i see myself going into or i am about to go into scracthing my heascalp because its itching to immediately have a look within myself IF i am not participating in backchats/internal conversations/energy reaction/thoughts/emotions/feelings/judgements/justifications, and if it is so, to immediately STOP------take a deep breath and bring myself back HERE and make sure i continue focusing on my breathing till i am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy.
I commit myself to when and as i see myself going into or i am about to go into partaking into mind energies to immediately STOP, take a deep breath and bring myself back HERE, till i am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy.
I commit myself to when and as i see myself NOT paying any attention to my body-signs that it is given me, but i do go through them, i immediately STOP and take a deep breath and investigate within myself when i am within and as my breathing to what exactly my body is telling me as the physical signs it is making me go through, and then when i see that it was because of me NOT being HERE, i then immediately stop myself and focus on my breathing till i am clear and stable and my body is quiet and are not giving me any signs as discomforts.
I commit myself to when and as i see myself going into or i am about to go into NOT being aware/vigilant in every word i speak, i immediately STOP myself with speaking and take a deep breath and bring msyelf back HERE till i am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy, and then from this clarity and stability i then speak and act.
I commit myself to when and as i see myself going into or i am about to go into Avoiding and trying through my mind NOT wanting to face myself, ISTOP-----------------take a deep breath and bring myself back HERE and make sure i continue focusing on my breathing till i am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy.
I commit myself to when and as i see myself going into or i am about to go into to drifting away from paying attention to physical reactions my body have, i STOP--------------------take a deep breath and make sure i look within myself as to where and when i participated within and as my mind consciousness system and that my body is warning me that this is happening, to when i see it to after that write it down forgive myself for doing so and correct myself by not participating anymore when these occur in another moment in time.Self-Reward:The Reward i give myself HERE, is to make sure that i will become more attentive in the words i speak and also attentive to what my body gives me as signs as when something is wrong in the sense of me NOT being HERE and lost within and as my mind consciousness system. So now when mty body reacts, i can immediately assess within myself IF the body reactions have to do with me NOT being HERE as my human physical body itself one and equal, within and as my breath.
Larry Manuela
Have a look at our solution to all the problems in this world, and i mean ALL: EQUALMONEY
Support our research and by one or more of our educational products that will surely blow your mind: EQAFE
Walk yourself out of your illusion back into the physical LIFE substance through using the tools in this course: DIP
Do the course of a lifetime and change yourself in order to change the world:DIP If not able to afford this one, here is a free version to get you started in becoming a REAL caring human being:
I am continuing with the next dimension which will be the Reaction Dimension.
For more context i will place here a little bit of the previous dimension i walked yesterday:
within this i gift myself the gift of using my imagination to NOT sabotage myself and/or strengthen my own self-created fear of exposing myself, but to actually use it to See/realize/understand myself as the whom i have accepted and allowed myself to be/become in this world in a moment, so that in these moments i can then STOP myself and correct myself to function effectively in communication and within the principle of what is BEST for all.
*** Anxiety within me of not wanting to share myself as whom i am in a moment.
*** Feeling nervous around her,because i interpret her behaviour as taking everything personal.
*** Fear of communicating with her, because of thinking/believing, she will take what i have to say personal.
Self-forgiveness statements:
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed to NOT wanting to share myself as whom i am in a moment due to anxiety that i created within myself as myself.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to use anxiety as a means to NOT share myself and thus i freeze and do not move, within and as myself to see the whom i have accepted and allowed myself to be/become.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to use anxiety to avoid not having to deal with the whom i am as a lie in a moment, functioning as my own mind alarm so i don't have to confront/face myself as this mind consciousness system.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to project my belief about her to/towards her as me seeing/viewing/interpreting her taking everything personal, without seeing/realizing/understanding that this belief is existent within me as my mind consciousness system as a judgement to/towards her, thus i am in fact judging me, because the judgement is the whom i am in the moment i am busy judging, it is all happening/taking place within my mind consciousness system as energy experiences.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to think/belief that by judging her i am right, that she is taking everything personal, when in reality it is just my own judgement about her that only exists within me as me as the mind as energy, and wherein i also want to be right about my judgement about her, as if my judgement have some validity when it comes to what is in fact REAL as LIFE HERE in every moment.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to not see/realize/understand that by participating in my own self-created judgement about her, i was in fact living as the judgement lost within energy within/as my mind consciousness system, not being HERE at all within/as my human physical body/form and my breath one and equal.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to sabotage myself into participating within/as my own self-created judgement about her, because in being within/as judgement i am in fact NOT HERE, i am not living as LIFE HERE in every moment of breath, i am in my mind consciousness system following my own self-created belief of her taking everything personal.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to fear communicating with her, because of my own self-created belief about her, that she might take me personal, thus i rather not say what i have to say, because according to my own self-created belief about her maybe/possibly taking what i have to say personal might/could lead to conflict/friction, and conflict and friction are what i must avoid at all costs when it comes to maybe/possibly getting exposed as the mind consciousness system that i have accepted and allowed myself to be/become within this world, this reality.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to link fear of communicating with her, to taking things personal, because if i am standing within and as my breath and my human physical body and i communicate from that starting point there is nothing to be feared, because i am then communicating as myself as the words as LIFE right HERE in a moment, and if someone else react upon what i say, it is their own mind consciousnes system at play and not mine. Thus within this i forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to react upon what i myself belief, that another as myself and in this case her, is going to react upon if i say what i have to say, without seeing/realizing/understanding that a sharing of herself within breath as what she sees within my words as me NOT being HERE in a moment, is my own mirror for me to see myself within and as when i am in a moment of NOT being HERE.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to blame her and place her as someone that takes everything personal within/as my mind consciousness system in order to not see that all of this is my own reaction i have about her as a belief i created within a moment about her, and that this have nothing to do with her at all in fact.
Self-commitment statements:
I commit myself to when and as i see myself going into or i am about to go into creating anxiety within myself to immediately STOP, take a deep breath and bring myself back HERE and focus on my breathing till i am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy and then from this clarity and stability i can then communicate from the starting-point of being here.
I commit myself to when and as i see myself going into or i am about to go into using anxiety as a means to NOT share myself, i STOP, take a deep breath and bring myself back HERE till i am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy, and from this starting-point, i move/walk.
I commit myself to when and as i see myself going into or i am about to go into using anxiety to try and avoid not facing/confronting myself, I STOP--------take a deep breath and bring myself nack HERE till i am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy and then from this stability and clarity i move and walk within and as my human physical body/form and my breath equal and one.
I commit myself to when and as i see myself going into or i am about to go into projecting my belief/views/interpretations about her to/towards her, i immediately STOP, take a deep breath and bring myself back HERE and remind myself in the moment of breathing that my beliefs whatever they may be are NOT what reality is, and i keep on focusing on my breathing till i am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy, and from this starting-point i then communicate with her, when i clear and stable within energy fluctuating within me as me as the mind as energy, but just as me being HERE one and equal within/as my breath and my human physical body/form.
I commit myself to when and as i see myself going into or i am about to go into avoiding sharing myself as the mind consciousness system in order to not face/confront myself, I STOP----------take a deep breath and bring myself back HERE till i am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy, and within this clarity and stability i then find a way to communicate with her in self-honesty what is going in within me in humble way within and as myself with her so that i can see myself and work on myself and maybe/possibly she can assist and support me in seeing more of the lie that i have accepted and allowed myself to be/become so i can deal with all of that through writing of my self-forgiveness statements and my self-corrective statements.
I commit myself to when and as i see myself going into or i am about to go into reacting upon reactions of others either it is out of my own self-created belief or real, i immediately STOP, take a deep breath and bring myself back HERE and focusing on my breathing till i am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy, and from this clarity and stability i can then walk/move in communicate in an equal way and with humbleness to/towards another as myself and establish real practical communication that is BEST for all.
I commit myself to when and as i see myself going into or i am about to go into any sort of blame to/towards her or others as myself, i immediately STOP-------------take a deep breath and bring myself back here and make sure i continue focusing on my breathing till i am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy, and then from this starting-point of clarity and stability i then commuincate and share myself with her and also others as myself equal and one.
I see within myself within this writing that i am judging/blaming another as myself for my own mind delusion that only i can create within myself, thus now that i have seen/realized/understood what i am accepting and allowing within myself, i have now the real choice to STOP myself when i see myself going into or i am about to go into judging and blaming others as myself. Thus my gift that i have given myself within this writing HERE, is to NOT judge and blame others, and to look within myself when i happen to fall in these mind traps and get out of them immediately so i don't create consequences that will NOT be what is BEST for all.
Larry Manuela
Have a look at our solution to all the problems in this world, and i mean ALL: EQUALMONEY
Support our research and by one or more of our educational products that will surely blow your mind: EQAFE
Walk yourself out of your illusion back into the physical LIFE substance through using the tools in this course: DIP
Do the course of a lifetime and change yourself in order to change the world:DIP If not able to afford this one, here is a free version to get you started in becoming a REAL caring human being:
So, here i am continuing with the walking of the dimension in regard to this point of communication.
For more context, from what i wrote a day before, here is a little excerpt:
I can see now that i am fearing exposing myself in order to not get rid of what i have accepted and allowed myself to be/become as a mind consciousness system, thus now that i can see myself within my writing i then will be more vigilant and attentive in other similar moments/circumstances when these arive/present themselves, in order to little by little move myself out of this pattern and also to STOP myself from being like this, till i move myself as myself as my directive WILL, within the principle of Oneness and Equality, that which is BEST for all LIFE.
*** Imaginging saying what i have to say, and then due to that getting into conflict/friction with her, just because i exposed myself.
*** Imagining myself being very annoyed/bothersome with expressing myself as the mind consciousness system with myself or with another due to the fear of Maybe/possibly having to work on it.
*** Imaging the other also going through the experiences of being annoyed and/or being bothered by what i have to say.
Self-forgiveness statements:
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to imagine saying what i have to say to her, because i belief that by saying/sharing myself to her, i will be getting into conflict/friction with her, just because i exposed myself as the mind consciousness system, something i need to stop and correct within myself and that i need to see for myself in words and actions first, before i can stop myself as this LIE that i have accepted and allowed myself to be/become wherein i am completely unaware as the whom i am as LIFE, as the human physical body/form and as my breath of LIFE in every moment.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to think/belief that i really NEED to see myself in words and action First, when in reality i can see all of this if i pause and stay within and as my breath, and just be HERE so i don't communicate words of separation to SELF as myself and others as myself.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to use words in separation to myself as SELF as LIFE, and therefore create an outcome that is NOT best for all.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to imagine being annoyed/bothersome with myself to share myself as the mind consciousness system that i have accepted and allowed myself to be/become with another as myself, as i fear having to maybe/possibly having to work on it as myself as what i have become.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to use my imagination as to see something annoying/bothersome as a way to try and see how i can avoid working on myself, because i know within me that this means that i have to change me.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to Fear changing me, because changing me means according to myself as a mind consciousness system that I won't exist anymore, as the various of stages of what i have been is not here anymore. Thus within this i realize that i fear that which is as me as a system as a memory within my mind consciousness system, without seeing/realizing/understanding that Me as the human physical form as an expression of LIFE has always and is still HERE. Thus i Forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to FEAR to Be HERE.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to imagine another as myself also maybe/possibly going through the same experiences of being annoyed/bothersome if i am to say what i have to say as me exposing myself as the mind consciousness system.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to link imagination to fear of not exposing myself as a mind consciousness system.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to even have an imagination about another as myself being annoyed/bothersome, just because i am annoyed/bothersome within myself with my own thoughts.
Self-commitment statements:
I commit myself to when and as i see myself going into or i am about to go into believing that sharing myself with/to her i will be getting into conflict/friction, when this all part of myself imagining stuff that are not even happening at all in the moment, To STOP, take a deep breath and bring myself back HERE, till i am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy and from this clarity andstability i communicate to her in a way that will be BEST for both of us, thus taking my directive will and direct myself in a way where i can communicate better to what is really happening within myself and so i can deal with the fear of exposing myself in order to get rid of the self that i have accepted and allowed myself to be/become as a LIE.
I commit myself to when and as i see myself going into or i am about to go into trying to create a need within myself that i need to see myself as in the words and actions first, which when one is not constantly and consistently in Breath is not possible to do this, and thus i immediately STOP, take a deep breath and bring myself back HERE, and continue focusing on my breathing till i am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy and from this starting point I then Speak, use words as myself right HERE in breath one and equal.
I commit myself to when and as i see myself going into or i am about to go into using words in separation to mySELF, i STOP-----------take a deep breath and bring myself back HERE and focus on my breathing till i am clear and stable and grounded and within this clarity and stability i then use words as myself within my breath one and equal.
I commit myself to when and as i see myself going into or i am about to go into using my imagination based on what i myself experience within myself and by believing that using this imagination avoid me from having to facing myself as the mind consciousness system, I STOP------------take a deep breath and Earth myself back HERE and hold my hands together to remind myself that i am HERE and also to keep on focusing at the same time within/as my breath till i am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy and from this starting point i then act/move/communicate with another as myself.
I commit myself to when and as i see myself going into or i am about to go into Fearing myself because i am about to stop and change myself, I STOP-----------take a deep breath and bring myself back HERE till i am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy, and i continue breathing and focusing on my breathing till i am clear and stable and no fear exists within me as me as the mind as energy, and i am totally clear i then act/move/communicate.
I commit myself to when and as i see myself going into or i am about to go into imaging others as myself maybe/possibly going through the same experiences as i do, when this is an assumption and a belief, I STOP-----------------take a deep breath and bring myself back HERE till i am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy.
I commit myself to when and as i see myself going into or i am about to go into linking imagination to fear or to better yet strengthen the fear within myself, I STOP-------take a deep breath and bring myself back HERE till i am clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy, and then i can communicate with another as myself within and as my breath and my human phsysical body/form, one and equal.
within this i gift myself the gift of using my imagination to NOT sabotage myself and/or strengthen my own self-created fear of exposing myself, but to actually use it to See/realize/understand myself as the whom i have accepted and allowed myself to be/become in this world in a moment, so that in these moments i can then STOP myself and correct myself to function effectively in communication and within the principle of what is BEST for all.
Larry Manuela
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