Friday 4 January 2013

Day 194, Am I Really Tired..?? Part 3

So here i am continuing where i left of yesterday with self-forgivenesses.

Here are the related Links:

Self-forgiveness continuing:

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to use the excuse as ''being tired'' in order to postpone my own standing up within and as myself, right here. I realize that by using this excuse i can then delay myself, giving myself as personality more time to keep on existing as this personality i fear not to exist anymore. Therefore, i forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to NOT see/realize/understand that all that i have accepted and allowed myself to be/become i must bring it back to myself as myself in order to stand as all that i have become and in this matter i can desolve myself as and give SELF back to SELF, as me expressing myself fully as an Individual.

 I suggest watching this interview done by Sunette Spies.


I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to let a personality as ''the one that is tired'' to exist within me as me as the mind as energy.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to due to fear for not facing myself i create such a character/personality within myself in order to not go through the actual facing of myself, and thus now this peronality that i have become is fearful of not existing within me anymore if i dare to face myself as the fears that come up that are related/connected to the very reason such character/personality was created within by me as me as the energy as the mind. Thus i realize that not wanting to go through the system as it exists and facing it, i try to go around it and avoid it by creating this '' being tired'' character/personality.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to fear my own creation which is the character/personality of me being/feeling tired ignited by another fear, which is the fear of facing SELF as self as what self have accepted and allowed SELF to be/become as SELF as individual and as SELF as all as LIFE right here. Within this i realize how i am instead of living/expression as SELF as LIFE, i am in a state of SELF that is in a becoming and experience. Thus i forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to give more impetus into experiencing SELF as what the personalities within my mind impose upon me, instead of me living me as expressing me as what i am as the SELF as LIFE as all as one as equal right HERE.


I commit myself to make sure that whenever i see myself going into or about to go into ''feeling tired'' to immediately STOP my participation within this thought and emotional turmoil, and take a deep breath and keep on focusing on my breathing till i clear and stable and nothing moves within me as me as the mind as energy, and from this clearness and stability i then move/act.

I commit myself to make sure that i little by little to bring all that i have accepted and allowed myself to be/become in this world, so i can face myself as SELF and then give back all that self has become and so all is HERE back to SELF and then i understand myself and from there create SELF as what is BEST for all equal and one.

I commit myself to be patient with myself and to watch myself as thoughts/feelings/emotions very closely and to make sure i can identify all that i am as these mind creations and programs so i can STOP myself in creating myself as a self-interested organic robot.

I commit myself to jsut focus on my breathing and live breath by breath and walk my process within the real time which is BREATH time, till i am aware of myself as life as the physical form a breathing/living being of planet earth.


Larry Manuela

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