Tuesday 24 April 2012

Day 11, Reaction on; 'Only Jesus Can Come And Save Us.'

Within this blog i am going to write about a statement someone made on the news regarding the crime that is becoming more and more of a problem in their country and this person said: '' that only Jesus, when he returns back, will solve this problem, no men will be able to solve this problem.''

This is how far we have come, when we abdicate our responsibility not seeing/realizing/understanding that all that is here that we know we don't want, it is all here because of each participating in it. Everyone have given their support either directly or indirectly to all that is here to be the way they are. So if we realize that we are doing all this ourselves and that we are the creators of all that is here as man made, thus it is obvious common sense that it is ourselves that have to stop and change and then create anew, but this time create that which will support all life equally and not which is abusing life in all it's forms and manifestations.


I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to not see/realize/understand that because of my allowance of what i see as ''bad'' ''wrong'' ''negative'' is exactly the reason why it is here.

I forgive myself that i haven't accepted and allowed myself to see/realize/understand that by trying/attempting to do the ''good'' ''right'' and ''positive'' thing is only perpetuating the opposite polarities, as i have not see/realize/understand that they cannot exist without each other as they are programs of my mind/consciousness to generate more energy for it to continue existing as the mind/consciousness system that i have accepted and allowed myself to be/become within this world.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to believe that there must be an higher being/force somewhere that must come and save me, because i myself is to weak and the problem seem to big so i cannot take my responsibility and thus must put it in someone else his shoulder, and within this not seeing/realizing/understanding that i am accepting and allowing myself to never ever birth myself as life and live as life, but instead accept and allow myself to be forever more a slave.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to see Jesus as the one who have to come and save me and the rest of  humanity, because i see myself as unable or unwilling to to change myself in order for me to change the world with others as myself as and into a world that is best for all life.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to brainwash myself to believe  that Jesus will come and save us anyways so i will just sit and wait, or pray and wait, because this means that i don't have to take my responsibility for what I/myself have accepted and allowed to be here and allowed to be done to life.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed a character in a book as Jesus to be more then me as life here in the physical and give more power to this character then to myself as to not using my own potential and creative abilities to bring about in a tangible/physical/practical manner that which is best for all life.

I forgive myself that i haven't accepted and allowed myself to see/realize/understand how i can be abdicating my responsibility when i am waiting for Jesus to come and save me.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to invest in my believes and that it means, i invest in my mind and investing in my mind means abdicating my responsibility to/towards life, because my mind has been created and made for me to not find out who i am as life, so whatever is up there in my mind as believes that are of the mind only, will always veil the true me that is to step forth and start directing itself as to birth itself as life here in the physical.

I forgive myself that i haven't accepted and allowed myself to walk the message of Jesus, what is written that he have said, that i can clearly see, that it is about that which is best for all, but instead have chosen to just be a believer, because being a believer i don't have to take my responsibility for my life and all other lives, i just have to believe and and all will be o.k. in the end.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to believe that there is something after dead and that all will be fine with me when i die, because i believed in Jesus when i was here, but in this i don't see/realize/understand that if there is an afterlife it will mean that i will be going through the consequences that i have accepted and allowed in this world, on this planet, in this reality, because even when i was seeing it(abuses done to life), i never stood my ground and make sure that it is not part of my reality, my world and so the world and reality of all equal and one.

I commit myself to be responsible for myself and make sure that my participation in this world is one that brings about that which is best for all life till this is done..!!

I commit myself to never give-up or give-in to make sure i do what is best for all life tangibly/practically/physically.

I commit myself to let go of all believes, because none are real, that is why they are called believes, and not LIFE..!!

I commit myself to walk the Jesus message and not believing it, so to make it real.

I commit myself as to be an example as in what it means to ''love thy neighbor as thyself'' '' give so you may receive.''   the messages of Jesus as what he meant as a living principle to be lived by all, and thus i will walk these messages as the who i am so i become the living example so others may see/realize/understand what equality and oneness truly means and in so doing start walking the message as themselves also, so in that way we can have a world that is truly best for all.


Larry Manuela

Join us at: DESTENI 

Our world solution is this: EQUALMONEY investigate it.!!

Want to be a real caring human being that will always do what is best for all, but don't know how yet, here is your chance to learn how: DIP

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