Thursday 26 April 2012

Day 13, Anger in back-chat.

In this blog today i am going to write out an anger i have been accepting and allowing to be within me.
And this anger is specific to the politics and politicians in this world, for they are unwilling to do that which brings that which is best for all life. Even though i know that they are as brainwashed as i am into believing what they believe is the right thing to do is right, when they can't see through their own veil, that the politics they are in and part of is not something or a tool that they are using to bring about that which is best for all life. They are using politics as a tool, to be ''famous'' to be ''selfish'' to be acting as if they are  ''problems solvers''  to be actors as '' caretakers'' when in  fact all they do is managing what is already here as the system and abide by rules of a totally sick and abusive and destructive system and none have the ''balls'' to take a stand and change the rules within the system,because of fear of loosing their voters and what they give value to in their personal lives. It is not being understood that whatever that is of and from this system of inequality is an abomination to life, a HARM to life, an ABUSE to life..!!  They trust their knowledge and information gain in universities as if that is more then life and can even decides what must happen in life. And the knowledge they get in these universities are all about keeping the status quo, it is not about seeing/realizing/understanding that we are supporting an abusive system and that we are the abusers ourselves, because we are the systems that are in place, either directly participating or indirectly, but participants we ARE..!! And as participants we have accepted and allowed all that is here to be and become what it is today, so we are all individually and collectively responsible for everything that is here, no matter what it is, even when we believe that we are the so-called: '' good people.'' What is here on this earth as the abuse and harm that is being done to life none can claim that they are ''good people'' because real ''good people'' will not accept nor allow such atrocities to ever exist in life. So we must stop all these believes we have about ourselves being ''good people'' because in this we are accepting and allowing the opposite polarity to exist which is ''bad people'' hence we have then the world full of ''good people'' and ''bad people'' but no people that are one and equal to/as life. Have a look into this world and one may see the common sense that i am sharing here, don't we have ''good people'' and ''bad people'' living here on this planet...? Are they not then creating a world where you must have ''good things done'' by the ''good people'' and ''bad things done'' by the ''bad people''  ?? Is this not the world we live in and on..?? Or do we live in and on a world where people are living what is best for all life, honoring life, giving life to life.?? Are we living in and on a world where we are givers and receivers or are we living in and on a world where we are takers and consumers in many many forms...??


I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to get into an emotional reaction to/towards politics and politicians in this world because i judge them by not doing what is to be done so all may live in dignity.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to be moved by my emotional discharge as anger to/towards politics and politicians as i see them not bringing about that which is best for all life.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to be angry,when i know that these people and these rules/laws/regulations are all based in protecting the system and the few within the system that are making sure the system continue being the way it is.

I forgive myself that i haven't accepted and allowed myself to see/realize/understand the extent of our brainwashing and in this not see/realize and understand the trap we have manged to place ourselves within and as.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to project my anger to/towards politicians and politics.

I forgive myself that i haven't accepted and allowed myself to see/realize/understand that me reacting in anger will not in anyways do anything in this world to bring about a world that is best for all life, but instead keep on contributing to that which is already here as the experience as ourselves in this world.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to make opposites to exist within me and the world at large as me.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed polarity to exist within me as me.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed my world that i live in and on to be one where i must suffer and all must suffer instead of taking my responsibility and change me, so be the change that i am a living example as to proof to all and myself that one can truly change.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to judge ''good people'' and ''bad people'' for they are all life expressions but are unaware of themselves as physical life expressions, due to them as me as of right only being a mind persona not having a clue what life and living is truly about.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to loose myself in my mind instead of me being here in breath one and equal.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to give more value to mind then my physical breath, my being one and equal with/as the movement of life as breath.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to be influenced by laws/rules/regulations without questioning them ever in my whole life.

I commit myself to to not judge others as myself for they as me don't know what life and living is all about, because all we have known and ever lived was just ourselves as the personalities we believe we are.

I commit myself to be humble into and as my approach to those whom i know are not yet seeing/realizing/understanding in using their common sense.

I commit myself to not react in emotional reactions such as anger.

I commit myself to never give up to bring about a world that is best for all life, and walk my talk here in the physical no matter what, one and equal to as my breath.

I commit myself to keep on preparing myself to reach a point where i am stable and fully aware of and as what it is a need to do and do so from the starting point of that which is best for all life forever more.


Larry Manuela

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