Sunday 22 April 2012

Day 9, Honoring The Dead.

In this blog i am going to do self-forgiveness on a point i saw within the news today, and in the news they were saying how they are going on a specific day pay attention to those who have died in war in 1942. They are going to honor those who died in that time in war again as they do each year, as if this was a great honorable thing they did, to die protecting their country, their people.


I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to honor the dead for what they have done that in no way has brought about that which is best for all life, but instead have died participating and supporting that which harms all life.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to be moved by these kind of messages as to make me ''feel'' as if i am very nationalistic.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to see going to war as a way to protect what i believe/think that is necessary to be done in order for me to live in a country in peace.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed war to be used as a way to so-called reach a point where we are in peace.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to see the soldiers that are in the military as brave people, when in fact they are not brave at all but yet as fearful as i am.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to vote for politicians who are willing at all costs to keep on with the military industry.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to see military as something as normal as anything else in my country.

I forgive myself that i haven't accepted and allowed myself to see/realize/understand that peace can never be reached with war.

I forgive myself that i haven't accepted and allowed myself to see/realize/understand that war will only bring more and more destruction and i in supporting war is supporting the harm and killings that are being done in life.

I forgive myself that i haven't accepted and allowed myself to see/realize/understand how i connect war as to my own wish to kill other people who i see as bad/wrong/negative, the enemy and that they need to be eradicated.

I forgive myself that i haven't accepted and allowed myself to see how i can stop all wars and stop participating in supporting wars either directly or indirectly, contributing in this matter to countless loss of lives.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to support military as either directly or indirectly.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to see honor in dying in war.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to feel sorry for the soldiers who have died in war, when they all knew that this is a great possibility that when you go to war, you don't just kill people, you can be killed to.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed without question the stupidity of honoring those who have passed away protecting their country without realizing that i am not honoring life and those who are alive at all,and see this as honorable and valuable.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to see some value in dying for one's country as if it is something we should all aspire to do.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to be brainwashed as for me to come to accept  that what my politicians are saying that we need a military to protect ourselves and our country is in reality a harm done to life.

I forgive myself that i haven't accepted and allowed myself to see/realize/understand how war is being used by those in power to have more control and to perpetuate their apparent power.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to let myself be influenced by movies who are being made to give war a sense of value, a sense of what is needed to be done to ''bad'' people, to the apparent enemy.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to be disgust about people serving in military.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to not see that the people serving in military are all brainwashed and cannot see what they are really doing to life.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to feel sorry for people in the military, because they can't see what they are doing to life.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to look at those who participate in war and try to choose side.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to not question the military when they present their information as to make people believe that they have a ''good'' reason to go to war.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to never question war in it's entirety as to come to see/realize/understand how this is not supporting nor assisting life in no ways at all.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to project my anger that i have within me regarding what is supposedly wrong and bad and within this accept and allow military to exist in order for them to go take the revenge i have within me on those i see as deserving to die, because they are all bad.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to judge others as bad and therefore they need to be killed.

I forgive myself that i haven't accepted and allowed myself to see how those that i judge as all bad are as brainwashed as i am to believe that they to have to protect themselves from others that they will see as all bad, due to what they have been programmed to accept and allow as the whom they are as society in their own countries.

I forgive myself that i haven't accepted and allowed myself to see/realize/understand that with all know about history, and in all the past history we know of, war has never brought about a world of peace, but instead has made us more savages and more effective killers of each other and destroyers of life.

I forgive myself that i haven't accepted and allowed myself to see/realize/understand how in supporting war i am indeed supporting separation and polarity within myself and the world at large.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to see war-machines and weapons as great technological advancements.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to let myself be manipulated by my government into making me believe that i must have a military to protect me, my loved one's and my country as a whole from apparent bad/wrong doers, the enemies.

I commit myself to firmly stand my ground to never ever allow military to be created in this world so therefore i will learn all i need to learn to position myself into positions in this world so i can have an influence to bring about a change in this world that is best for all, where military is not a part of.

I commit myself to not judge those who are soldiers as good or bad, because they are not aware of the brainwashing that they are accepting and allowing to be as value to them.

I commit myself to make sure to treat and honor all life here, as this is what is really honor, and not honor the dead that can't be responsible anymore for what is here. What is here is for me to change with others as me, to bring about a world of true peace, where oneness and equality,that which is best for all are the life principles.

I commit myself to walk in the shoes of every soldier and war victims as for me to see/realize/understand the the depth of the problem we have in accepting and allowing war to be something that is valuable.

I commit myself to never wherever i am to support war in anyways whatsoever, because it is totally and absolutely a harm done to life without any questions.


Larry Manuela


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