In this blog i will walk myself to nothingness for 7 years onward of self-forgiveness, self-correction and as so i take upon me all that i have accepted and allowed to be HERE as life as me as all.
Wednesday, 25 July 2012
Day, 92 Ex. Worrying About money Part 2
I am continuing here in part 2 where i left of in part 1.........
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed a world where money influences the way we live with each other and with everything else to a degree where the money has taken the place of LIFE, and make sure that LIFE suffers.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to define life according to money and act as if life is something that can be defined.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to weight my relationships in the past with money as seeing it and judging whom it is i am going to be with depending on the amount of money they have, either if they have lots of money or very little, but yet the money issue was there.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to consider money as more valuable then life in my life, without seeing/realizing/understanding how money as i give it value is not supportive to what is really valuable, it works against LIFE, which is what is really valuable. Within this i realize that nothing can escape LIFE, not even death, because even death must take place in LIFE. So the death of the monetary system as it exist now, that does NOT support life as it should, MUST DIE..!!
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to NOT see/realize/understand how money within relationships with people always brings a relationship of friction/conflict, because the money i have accepted and allowed to be in LIFE is not one and equal in supporting me as LIFE, it is against my own support as me as LIFE. Thus by the very starting-point it is already in conflict/friction with LIFE.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to measure things as valuable in this world according to the price they have been given as the amount of money they are worth according to the system of DEBT, without seeing/realizing/understand that i was not valuing the things as to their functionality and support they can give to LIFE, because within the current system things are valued according to how much profit they can accumulate for one individual or a few individuals. So within this, i forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to value things according to the profit i can generate out of it, or the so called: 'market value'' the thing have.
NOTE: i use the word ''thing'' in the sentence above, because in the system as it exists now, everyTHING have a price human/animals/plant/and everyTHING else on the planet, even the planet itself for what it has as resources.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to imprison myself to a monetary system that supports imprisonment instead of supporting freedom of expression as LIFE in ways that are best for all LIFE always.
I commit myself to whenever i see myself into reactions to/towards my ex. girlfriend, i STOP---------BREATHE......and make sure i do not feed the reaction(s) within me and keep breathing till the reaction(s) don't exist anymore within me,and make sure i am touching something that is physically here.
I commit myself to show that money in this world as it exist today at the moment does NOT support LIFE in anyways whatsoever, and make sure to debunk and expose the monetary system as it exist now, so others may start to question it and realize that we have to get together and stop this atrocity we have accepted and allowed to be here in our names, and make sure we transform this money into money that support ALL LIFE which will be the EQUALMONEY system.
I commit myself to use the money i make now within this system of abuse and direct it to/towards what is supporting LIFE, and not for selfish purposes that benefit only me and not LIFE in it's entirety.
I commit myself to make sure to show how the monetary system works within the working-place and makes of everyone in the working-place just wage-slaves and nothing more, with the belief that because one is being ''paid'' that this is acceptable and justifiable.
I commit myself to make sure to learn everything that is thrown at me that i am capable of learning so i can support myself better and the people around me better and also the group of people i am in so we can move faster as group to bring about a world that is truly best for all LIFE.
I commit myself to work within the group of desteni, and together bring about a solution towards the problems in this world that are best for all LIFE, till this is done..!!
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