Lets have a look at this word. first lets place what the definition of this word is in the dictionary, i will use thefreedictionary.com for this. They are a few paragraphs below. When i look at the state of the condition the world is in, our lives are in, and life in general, i can honestly say, that i cannot appreciate anything of and within the system we as humans have placed here on earth as a projection of our own inner workings. Now if you don't like the system, or you hate it, or blaming the ones on top,understand no matter what, you are a participant in it, if you are using money in and at any means, you are a participant either you like it or not, you agree or disagree, even those whom don't have any money also are in the system of money, because their lives are affected by this monetary system that the majority of the human population on earth is busy participating in, and this system does not only affect the lives of humans alone, it also affects the lives of all other beings that don't even use or need money, like: ' the animals, the plants, oceans,rivers,mountains, the soil, the sky, anyway nature in it's entirety. Everything is being used and abused in order to create more profit for companies/corporations to continue existing, making products for the consumers to continue consuming at a more rapid pace. Their existence within the system of DEBT is for them so important that they don't see how they are destroying everything for a belief system that we have given ''power.'' This system that we have given power is now more powerful than ourselves, can you imagine that..?? You create something and afterwards that something has power over you, and it is not even alive. You as life gave it the power to be here, but within that you gave it the power to destroy life instead of supporting life. The power to destroy life is in the form of DEBT and PROFIT MAKING.
So this is where we are today, trying to make as much and more profit as possible in a system of debt,where in order to make more profit the debt must increase, it is inherently placed within the mathematics of this system of debt, and this makes us consume and consume more and more of the earth resources, destroying every real valuable things in this world, just to continue with a crazy belief that: '' WE NEED MONEY TO SURVIVE.'' So every time you use it, either you like it or not you are busy contributing to this system that is destroying life, no matter how good person you belief you are,and also no matter how much of it you give to charity justifying this way that you are doing something good with your money at least, you are just making sure that it continues nothing more and nothing less.!!! So that is why a whole overhaul of the system is critically necessary, and for this our group DESTENI has come up with a world solution that we have called EQUALMONEY. This equalmoney will be given to all humans on earth from the moment of conception till the day they breathe their last breath, this money is a gift to them, just because they have been birth here in life on earth as earthlings, and the value of this money will be LIFE itself, that is the one thing we all have in common and no-one can claim that one is more valuable in this world then someone else or something else, because all are here because of LIFE itself. We are all form manifestations of life, and our equality and oneness is LIFE..!!
And this is where i have come to the point of appreciation. It is only in this(equalmoney) system that we(humanity) will put in place is where we will then live a life of appreciation for real, where the word carries it's true meaning practically, and where humanity will appreciate life for real. Because at the moment we are not so smart as we may belief ourselves to be, smart beings don't go around destroying their own home, the place where life is a gift to them.Just have a look into this world where the so-called ''smart people'' are living..?? Is it not the smart people who are making laws/rules/regulations about this monetary system..?? Is it not the smart people that are creating ideas as in how to come up with something that can generate more and more profit..?? Is it not the smart people that are creating all kinds of machines to generate more and more profit...?? Are they not profit driven crazy maniacs just like us..?? This is not a blame, it's what it is, we are not smart people, not even those with higher education in whatever, because they to are supporting the system of harm and destruction knowingly as it is now in place and they are the most active and heavy supporters of this system then anyone else, because within the system they are the ones that have much more to loose, so their fear for equality is even bigger....lollll
ap·pre·ci·a·tion (
1. Recognition of the quality, value, significance, or magnitude of people and things.
2. A judgment or opinion, especially a favorable one.
3. An expression of gratitude.
4. Awareness or delicate perception, especially of aesthetic qualities or values.
5. A rise in value or price, especially over time.
appreciation [əˌpriːʃɪˈeɪʃən -sɪ-]
1. thanks or gratitude
2. assessment of the true worth or value of persons or things
3. perceptive recognition of qualities, as in art
4. an increase in value, as of goods or property
5. a written review of a book, etc., esp when favourable
So when we take out from these definitions which one of them will suit us all best, the ones that anyone can practically live are in the first part, numbers: ''1 and 3 '' and in the second part, numbers: '' 1,2 and 3.'' The rest are not as important as to when it comes to practical living that we can use, and the part that deals with the rise of value or price, this will totally not exist, because it is part of the system of harm that we are in at the moment.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to appreciate life, in the sense of what is being accepted and allowed as life in this world, through a system that does not support life in anyways whatsoever.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to be brainwashed to appreciate the gifts of the system based on DEBT and PROFIT MAKING, without realizing/seeing/understanding that by doing this i was harming life and within this my own life as well.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to not appreciate LIFE itself, but the things that i was brainwashed to belief that one must appreciate without having any knowing at all as to how things really work in the physical reality.Within this i mean, that not all that you see with your human physical eyes are really what is going on, because one cannot see with ones eyes every dimension of what one is looking at, to really see that the thing looked at is to be appreciative or not.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to not be appreciative as for the support that the earth and nature and the animal kingdom is providing me in every breath i take in every moment.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to not be appreciative to the sun for it's light that support earth so life can be expressed here.
I forgive myself that i haven't accepted and allowed myself to be appreciative to my own breath of life that is sustaining me and everything else here alive.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to to give more appreciation to things of and in the system then life itself for the support that it gives me as me as itself.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to not see/realize/understand the amount of none appreciation to life that we as humans have been living in and as, and in this have been destroying life everywhere we go and within most things we do.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to not appreciate the signs of life when i saw them in myself and the world outside as to make me see that i am not supporting life as all the others as me are also not supporting life by participating in world system that abuses life, that harms life, that destroys life.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to be deceived by what my human physical eyes were looking at and my mind was interpreting as ''being beautiful'' without ever knowing for real what that thing that i am looking at is going through to exist as it exist in every facet of it's existence.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to see appreciation only in things that are ''good/right/positive, without realizing/seeing/understanding that within this i was just picking one opposite side of the polarity,and within this accepting and allowing a world of opposites and polarities to be our manifested experience.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to appreciate only things that are of my liking, based on my point of view, on my interpretation.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to even connect appreciation to ''interpretation'' ''viewpoint'' without realizing that appreciation is me living life as what is best for all in every breath of life, so appreciation becomes the who i am, and not separate from me, so i am then a living/breathing appreciative being, so i walk as appreciation, appreciation is the who i am. And by living appreciation there is no need to interpret or have a viewpoint on it, because it is who you are, your expression.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to even use the word appreciation when that which is life is not being appreciated at all by us humans, for we have disregarded life completely in our endeavors.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to appreciate my family above all families, without realizing/seeing/understanding that i was excluding myself and my family from the group call humanity and for the greater group called earthlings.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to choose to appreciate certain sports above others sports, and in this giving some sports more value then other sports, when in truth sports should be equally valuable to have fun.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to appreciate some foods more then other foods, without realizing/seeing/understanding that all foods that we eat, is some being that have given up their lives for us to continue ours, no matter what it is we are eating, or we killed to eat.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to appreciate money, especially when i have it to buy the things i need to buy, without realizing/seeing/understanding that i within this was/is contributing to a system of abuse wherein some must have and others must NOT have.
I commit myself to make sure to be supportive of the equalmoney system, for within this system i will be gifting life to others exactly as how i would have liked being gifted life.
I commit myself to only appreciate those things in life that support life, and walk with people who are willing to do whatever it takes in a peaceful way to bring about a world that is truly best for all life.
I commit myself to always show and open my mouth when people talk about appreciation when we are living not as human beings who are even deserving to use this word.
Larry Manuela
Study our world solution: EQUALMONEY
Buy our educational products that are nowhere else on this planet to be found, and that are mind blowing..!! EQAFE
Want to become a human being that practically lives CARE...?? here is where you can learn how to: DIP
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