Saturday 19 May 2012

Day 33, Not Understanding.

What does it mean to ''understand'' something..??

To me in common sense if i truly understand something, i can then transform it, that would be real understanding. I cannot talk about understanding something and then be incapable of transforming it or changing it, because if i am incapable and i say i understand, then i am making a fool out of myself. Let me give an example, if i understand the workings of my mind, totally, won't i be then capable of transforming it in how i use it, it won't run my life without me being an directive principle in and as it, one and equal.


I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to belief/think that by understanding it means me having some knowledge and information about something alone, and this knowledge and information is not applicable in my physical practical living.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to belief/think the way we understand things in the way this current world functions is the way to go or continue, when the world clearly project how we are not understanding it and not understanding ourselves within it as our participation is one that abuses and hurt others. 

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to use understanding as in making it in the system only and not as in understanding as in bringing about that which is best for all life.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to not see/realize/understand how in using understanding as in the way the system demand it of me, was and is nothing more then to understand just enough for me to function within the system, but to not ever have enough understanding as in to changing the system as when i see that the system is not working in supporting life.

I Forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to see others as in having more understanding then me as in being more then me, or more capable then me, when my reality as the physical world we live in is not something i and anyone else can be proud of, because it is not reflecting an understanding of life, but an understanding of destruction, an understanding of abuse, an understanding of manipulation, an understanding of competition, an understanding in lying, an understanding in being greedy, hence we can see in this world how we are evolving into our understanding of all those things here mentioned and hence within all this create our own devolution as  race.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to not ever study my own understanding regarding how i myself function within myself as to see/realize/understand how i am busy shaping/molding the reality we find ourselves in with the rest that is here.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself that i never saw how limited my understanding of what life truly is and what living here in this world really meant, but instead has used system-understanding that only benefit system and not life.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to use my limited understanding just for the sake of survival and not expand on it for the sake of life and grown within the limitation of my own understanding within a world of limitation, thus within this having the optimum understanding equal and one within and as the existence of limitation i find myself in and as.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to not see how my limited understanding of the physical reality has made me create an experience on earth for every living being that is abusive and harmful.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to let all of our understanding accumulate into a world system that abuses life in my name.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to not see/realize/understand how my limited understanding of how things really work in this physical world has let to us making all kinds of weapons to destroy what we see as the enemy, without seeing/realizing/understanding  how the one(s) that is(are) the enemy are life just as us, expression of life,so within this we kill and destroy ourselves as life.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to not at all have understanding of how the system works in order for me to transform the system as me as i stand within and as the system as myself and change me within and as the system so the system is one and equal with and as me.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to not see/realize/understand how in not having a proper understanding of my own function of  the totality of my mind is limiting me of making a viable change that benefit all life equally, but instead have accepted and allowed myself  to only be limited by a limited understanding of myself and the physical world at large and my participation within practically.

I commit myself to indulge into the proper understanding as in how i function within and as the system that is now placed, and from within this proper understanding transform me as it within it, to be an effective human being that participate in bringing about a world that is best for all life.

I commit myself to show others as me that our understanding that we have in this world is not one that is of benefit to life, not one that support life.

I commit myself to walk my process in preparing myself to face all limited understandings that don't support life and expose all of them by standing as the understanding as in that which is best for all life.


Larry Manuela 

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