In this blog i will walk myself to nothingness for 7 years onward of self-forgiveness, self-correction and as so i take upon me all that i have accepted and allowed to be HERE as life as me as all.
Friday, 8 June 2012
Day 53, Respect.
Now here we are as i was chatting with a friend of mine today the word RESPECT came at the forefront. This word in this world we as humans, the ones whom coined it out, are all very much confused about this word, with this i mean what is respect really as in practical living, and do we live respect practically and in a way that is BEST for all life...??? Let us see.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to NOT see/realize/understand that what i define the word RESPECT as is not at all in conjunction with the ''how'' i live with and as myself and as myself in relation to others as myself, ruling out respect totally for what it entails as being an act of admiring someone or something deeply for their abilities/qualities/achievements to/towards others which is NOT an act but more a superimposition of a feeling projected to/for/towards another or something.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to belief that by being nice, i was being respectful, without seeing/realizing/understanding how being nice in this world is not practical and it is existent within me as a form of self-judgement and due to this self-judgment i judge others as me and then use the gesture as in ''being nice'' to/towards another so i can belief myself to be in this way RESPECTFUL, when in this it is just a form of me hiding and not wanting to look within myself how i judge myself and look for a way out through acting as in ''being nice''. Within this i forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to sabotage myself into believing my own self-judgement to be as a way to be seen/perceived/believed to be respectful when real respect is not of what is of energy within me, but what is as me living as the who i am as my human physical body with and as my breath as one as equal with everyone and everything else.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to see elders as in people i should show more respect just because i was brainwashed to belief that the older someone is the more they know, and the more knowledge they have the better, because i have accepted and allowed myself to within me give knowledge much more importance and relevance and value then my practical living participation within this world and in this devalued LIFE, and within this honor knowledge and respect knowledge and everything that comes out of it, or that has anything to do with it more then LIFE itself.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to NOT see/realize/understand that the respect i belief i am ''giving'' is not at all something that is truly practical, it is just a gesture, a gesture to not confront, to not walk into my own consequences or that from and of another.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to see respect as in projecting ''good feelings'' to/towards others.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to see respect only in things that are seen in this world as courageous actions as in; sport, as in military, as in business people, as in spiritual master teachers, as in teachers, as in anyone and anything that does something that oneself is unable to do the same.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to have respect for people whom i see as knowing more then me, which means that i then have a fear within me of getting to know things as they can, so within this i forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to set myself short in comparing myself with others and within this linking/connecting my ''short fall'' as in giving the respect i see in myself i am lacking, which means i am sabotaging myself in my mind without ever doing it myself and to see if i can do it or not.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to greet almost everyone i pass by, just because i was brainwashed to belief that in this way one is showing respect to/towards another.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to belief that by being nice and good i will be treated with respect, because nice and good people deserve respect as i was brainwashed to belief this to be a truth.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to see people with money as people who deserve respect because of them having the ability that i see within myself that i do not have to make money as they make, so within this i forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to be jealous of others who can make money as i cannot and link/connect this jealousy to acting in a way as ''being respectful'' to/towards those i am jealous of that are making money.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to NOT see/realize/understand how ''making money'' in this world is in fact an abomination to life if this money making is hurting and harming life, where i would have to lie, and cheat and manipulate others to make money, so within this i forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to be jealous of others whom are making money in this current system through lying,cheating,manipulating,harming and abusing life in countless ways putting me then in agreement with how money is being made in this world.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to see in ''being rich'' something that deserves respect, when being rich means in this current system of this world: ''having more then others.'' So within this i forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to wish/desire to be rich which is then equally accountable for the continuation of the whole game of the rich and the poor as participating in this desire/wish as anyone else is having this wish and desire.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to NOT see/realize/understand how respect as we know it and understand it in this world is truly NOT respect at all, but a simple gesture to/towards those whom we see in them what we ourselves would like to have as an expression of ourselves.
I commit myself to through my writings and self-forgiveness and my commitments to show that we humans in this world has NOT gotten any idea whatsoever about what respect is at all, when LIFE is being harmed/pillaged/raped when all of us are here, the ones that have invented such word as RESPECT.
I commit myself to show that respect in this world is truly an picture presentation to hide the real fear behind the scenes as the fear of taking action in what one sees and know has to be done in order to give life back to LIFE.
Larry Manuela
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