In this blog i will walk myself to nothingness for 7 years onward of self-forgiveness, self-correction and as so i take upon me all that i have accepted and allowed to be HERE as life as me as all.
Saturday, 9 June 2012
Day 54, Poverty
There are more then half the human population that is living in poverty, and this will increase as the monetary system continues to crumble and fall, till only those with really large sum of money will be fine, and the rest poor. The very rich in this world has managed to control and own lots of things in this world, especially things like: ''land,'' because when you can own the land, everything on the land or that is of the land that you own is yours, and for the others to get some from what is yours they have to PAY.
We are so brainwashed into this BELIEF that we HAVE/NEED to OWN land, that everyone see it as ''normal'' as that's the way it is suppose to be, that everyone should OWN a piece of land, when in reality everything that is of and from the earth that is for the survival of the creatures of the earth should NOT be OWNED by anyone at all. Everything that is of value as in being supportive to LIFE on earth should NOT be OWNED by no-one...!!! It will take humanity years before they will understand this simple fact i wrote here, and to make a way of living, where we live with each other sharing what the earth provides without harming nor abusing the earth itself nor it's creatures/children. It's going to take years of self-introspection, self-forgiveness and corrective applications to see/realize/understand that freedom is in GIVING WHAT YOU WOULD LIKE TO RECEIVE..!!! Each one individual must understand this simple fact...!!!
As you can see/observe in the world right now, especially in countries where people are used to have a very luxurious life, how they are protesting now. And why are they protesting, they are protesting because they are fearing loosing what they had, you see...?? They are NOT protesting because they want to really make the world the best place to live on/in, oh no no no............they want to go back to what they used to have, and what they used to have was all based on robbery, lies, manipulation, exploitation, abuse,injustice, etc etc..........They want to go back to a living where they can have all they want on the backs of others in other countries that they don't even know how they are affecting their lives with their particular greedy and self-interest lifestyle. This greediness and self-interested lifestyle is DONE...!!!! We are going to find out what it means to NOT live as one as equals, what the consequences are when we live as greedy, self-interest people who don't give a damn about life at all. Their only interest is in consuming life and making profit out of it, and act as if we are living on a planet that have infinite resources for us to continue with this stupid lifestyle that destroys the planet and everyone and everything on it if we are to continue living the way we live with each other and with the way we treat the earth our mother.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to NOT see/realize/understand how within my participation within the system as it exists right now is the very source for the continuation of poverty that exists in this world.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to ''feel'' sorry for those whom are poor every time i saw pictures of them, without realizing that by me feeling sorry is NOT going to bring any change whatsoever to their lives, that it will take my responsibility to stand up together with others that also can see that we need to take our responsibility and STOP this poverty forever more to exist when in reality their is NO need at all for anyone or any country to be poor.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to be brainwashed to accept poverty as something we can't do nothing about and the only thing we can do is: ''help it.'' Within this i forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to NOT see/realize/understand how by ''helping'' i am in reality and in fact ''helping'' poverty to continue being here, that i accept it to exist while i am here, and while the earth has more then enough for each to live in abundance, so within this i am supporting poverty by ''helping'' poverty instead of eradicating it, as may be my intent.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to belief all the lies that are told about poor people that they are lazy, and that is one of the reasons they are poor and remain poor.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to NOT see/realize/understand how one day just because i as an participant accept poverty to be part of my reality together with others, i or if i am not here anymore my children will be inherit this condition and live it out,as i when i was here did not STOP it, just because i was not going through it, it was far away from me, did not stand and take my responsibility to NOT accept and allow anything to be done to LIFE..!!
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to belief when i was being a spiritual worker, that poor people are just people whom have incarnated to experience this kind of life to learn some ''life lessons'' and so it meant i don't have to do anything about it, just let it be and continue with my own self-interest lifestyle.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to treat poor people as poor people and not as one as equal as me.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to treat poor people as less then me, instead of treating them as equal as me and give them equal value in living as i live.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to let others make laws that prevents poor people to ever come out of poverty, and within this i forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to not see/realize/understand that by accepting any law that obstruct life and living where a few are having a good life and others a fucked-up life, i am supporting this whole game of winning and loosing, where the losers are those whom are poor, and the winner is me being part of those whom are rich, whom have access to money.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to throughout my life to never have questioned the monetary system itself,because it was feeding me, and i was brainwashed to not question those who feed you.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to in the past never to direct and spent my money that i have made in this abusive and harmful system to LIFE, but only to my self-interest desires and wishes.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to belief that by giving money to charity foundations that are many on the face of the earth have never ever contributed to eradicate poverty forever more, but instead the charity foundations are supporting the very thing they want/wish/desire to stop.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to belief that if i give to charity foundations in this world i am a ''good person'' ''someone who cares'' ''someone who has compassion'' when in reality the problem was and is still here, and within ruling out all my good intentions for they did not together with the charity foundations eradicate poverty.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to belief that if i give to charity foundations in this world, when i die i will be going to heaven for i was a very ''good person'' when i was on earth, when in reality i did not stand for the eradication of poverty at all, but was supporting the charity foundation that supported poverty and not at all stopping poverty to exist.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to never see that poverty is not natural to LIFE, when LIFE is showing me in my face that it is abundant.
I commit myself to through writing,self-forgiveness and my commitments to show that poverty is a crime to LIFE and as long as humanity does not do nothing to eradicate it, we are all criminals, together with all the charity foundations whom have proven that they don't exist to eradicate poverty but to support it's existence.
I commit myself to show that poverty can be eradicated by introducing and implementing an EQUALMONEY SYSTEM.
I commit myself to keep on exposing the atrocities that are here as we accept and allow them to be in a way that is direct and as ugly as it is, so all may wake up to the fact that without their participation in the system as it exist that creates poverty there can be NO poverty, so we are the creators of poverty and as we are the creators of it we can STOP it and create abundance for all which is in fact already here.
Larry Manuela
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