In this blog i will walk myself to nothingness for 7 years onward of self-forgiveness, self-correction and as so i take upon me all that i have accepted and allowed to be HERE as life as me as all.
Thursday, 14 June 2012
Day 59, I Want You.
Yes i am continuing with all the ways and words we as men use to so called: conquer the women with. I bet you that if there are self-dishonest men out there reading this blog they will get very angry, and say i am ''saying to much'' and ''making the women too smart.'' Loll, well that is also one of the reasons i am writing this, not to make the woman smart or whatever. It is to make them more trustworthy of what they most of the time already ''sense'' in a way.
This ''i want you'' will only work with a woman whom a man knows that is interested in him, it will not work on all woman if you men would want to use it on all woman....lolll, because you might get slapped in the face. Now woman, yes YOU, understand the moment you accept this to happen to you, you accept yourself to ''fall'' for this crap, just because you ''feel'' something to/towards the guy or he have the ''looks'' that you would like to have your hands on, understand in this way you have opened yourself completely up and is vulnerable, because in the guys mind, if he is a player he will treat you just like a sex puppet and when he have had enough he will dump you.And this depends on what you as a woman would like to experience, if it is for your one night stand thing, then you are a ''little'' saver then if you were in it for a serious relationship or at least a long term one, you will be used, and probably get hurt along the way, either you like it or not.
Because as you can see on the picture i have chosen here, SEX is all this whole thing is always about..!!
Understand that we (men) don't really really want a serious relationship, because the real wish of most man is to have as much as possible woman to have sex with,and a serious relationship lower the chances considerably. And the man that do get into a serious relationship or get married, will everyday of their lives wish they could have stayed alone for some more years, because they start to ''feel'' that they are missing out on the action, and within this many will cheat..!!!
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to say to woman that i liked based on the way they acted and when they were interested in me, that i would use this sentence: '' i want you'' to them in order to see if they will accept me fucking them.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to use such combination of words pure for the outcome for a possible hot sexual experience.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to only considered myself within these words, for what i wanted/desired/wished, which was SEX, and to get it no matter what.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to manipulate woman with these choice of words when i was sure that they will accept these words, for i could read their body language what they are ready to accept as words or not.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to make use of words to be used as in self-interest to be given to energy later on, so i can continue being an energy vampire as my mind.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to use those words only to/towards woman i judged as being horny and wanting/looking for sex.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to give in, into the desire of myself for looking for the women whom were horny and only looking for sex.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to connect the words: ''I'' ''Want'' and ''You'' to sex, when each word on itself in no ways having any relationship with sex at all only through my own definition of those words and meanings that i have accepted and allowed within myself will form a relationship within my mind to these words and that they mean for me and to the woman i will say the words to/towards, that ''i want you'' means '' i want to FUCK you.''
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to feel victorious when the woman will answer with a big smile on her face: '' sooo, you want ME hmmm..??''
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to ''feel'' as i was conquering the woman as if the woman was something to be conquered, meaning: '' having dominion over ''
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to deliberately have used the ''feelings'' of the woman in these moments to get what i wanted, which was SEX.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to play with women's feelings to get what i wanted from them which was of course: '''SEX.''
I commit myself to through my writings, self-forgiveness and my life commitments to show to the woman of this world, all that i know within me as a man that i was, that was very manipulative and seductive to expose the nature of some man, so the woman may be prepared to act correctly and not follow their feelings, and for the men whom are doing this to please STOP.
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