In this blog i will walk myself to nothingness for 7 years onward of self-forgiveness, self-correction and as so i take upon me all that i have accepted and allowed to be HERE as life as me as all.
Friday, 15 June 2012
Day 60, What Would Life Be Like If It Wasn't For You.
Yes, here i am again with another saying that i used to say to/towards woman to make them ''feel'' special about themselves and that they are special to me, when in reality any woman that was in my category as of being ''fuckable'' would be special.
Now woman of this world, those whom are reading this, understand that this saying is just said by us(men) to make you get a sense of: ''being of importance'' to us within the relationship, make it look like we care for real for the relationship, which in many cases we don't really give a fuck that much about as it may look like in your eyes about the relationship. The only Relationship us(men) really really like and is 100% in favor of, is one where we can fuck as many woman as possible. This is the ideal relationship in the minds of many, many men. Thus meaning to go from one woman to the next all the time till our dicks get tired of all this exhausted work. loll. Now most guys will scream: ''not me man..!! '' But deep down most of them, remember i am saying MOST of them, the majority, because you do have those whom are looking for a serious relationship in almost the same way the woman does, but they are very very few, and the funny thing about this is, that precisely these men are the ones the woman will not be interested in. strange isn't it...?? They will fall for the ones that lie about wanting to be serious. Now understand that it is a very complex situation this whole thing, because there are man whom want to be in a serious relationship but want to have their secret escapades on the side to,and will use the one they are so-called in ''serious relationship with'' as what we call: ''home pussy.''
So as you can see woman of this world, how are you going to be able to trust man in this world, because you don't know what is happening within them, and especially when you in yourself is following FEELINGS...?? Use your common sense here for a moment at least, have a look at this. How are you going to trust something in you that appears/disappears without your consent, without you having any saying whatsoever in it, about someone else outside of you, and this someone outside of you, you are incapable of knowing what he feels, because just like you, all can only experience their own little feelings, you cannot feel someone else their feelings, your feelings are only yours, only you feel them.Can you see here that you are even LESS then your own FEELINGS....?? Because you are NOT the feeling, you know..?? - feeling the feeling as you, you just experience it within you. And this is where you have to START. By stopping you following these feelings inside you that you are so-called ''having'' for another.!!! The day you can do this using the DESTENI tools you will be able to see through any lie, because you saw it within yourself already as the FEELING itself. And the man will come to you always trying to hook you with wanting to make you FEEL for them. All his words will be directed and for the purpose of making you FEEL something, and by this you will know the LIE..!! So the moment you ACCEPT the words that the man will use as the words you want to hear in order to make you FEEL,understand that you will be FUCKED...!!! Because that is what you want, you want the man that you like to use the words that will make YOU FEEL. So who is really playing who here...??
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to use the sentence: '' what would life be if it wasn't for you'' to/towards woman i have been with, just to keep the pussy coming.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to make woman feel as if they were of importance to me, when the only importance i saw in them was the importance of getting them in bed, to have sex with them.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to not be truthful to myself and in this not be truthful to others as myself, wherein i give the feeling that they will ignite within themselves power to exist and the reason for me to get them.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to deliberately use such sentences and choices of words to get what i wanted, which of course is: ''SEX.''
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to instead of assisting and supporting the woman in dealing with their feelings, i supported them in following their feelings, and becoming more addictive to them to the extent that they will trust their feelings above their own LIFE. Within this i forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to never saw that i was supporting the lie within all of us as humanity as that which is FEELINGS. If it wasn't for DESTENI i would still be in this game of making the woman FEEL something, so i can get my own sex feeling later on, because that was all i knew.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to fall pray for my own knowledge and never used my common sense to see for myself what the fuck is going on within myself.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to to know when i was lying but yet decided to continue doing it anyways for it benefited me in getting what i wanted which was SEX of course.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to use sex, which is a physical act of touching as an energetic lie to get a quick fix and never get to give to my body what my body gives to me which in this case is sex.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to see sex as something to get an energy fix from and not as me assisting and supporting my body, the creator of the energy that i experience as a feeling inside me.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to always within everything throughout my life when it comes to relationships with woman to only measure it by the amount of sex i would/could get out of it.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to be a slave to my own energetics within me, that dictated my life instead of me taking my self-responsibility and take my decision to stop participating in them.
I commit myself to through my writing, self-forgiveness and my commitments to life to show all the words and sentences i used to get woman to do my bidding in the past to assist and support others as in seeing/realizing/understanding that we are liars and deceivers and that we have to each stop ourselves by forgiving ourselves and then correcting ourselves in order to not create ourselves as such again.
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